I am done, and yet just beginning

May 16, 2009 15:54

I have officially finished college. All my papers and projects are in, my meetings are done, and my GPA has come in (though not the grades yet.) Now, I've just got graduation on Friday morning.

Not that this means I've had a chance to relax. Rather, I had to prepare for my first professional audition which was earlier today at 12:30 down at Centerstage through the Baltimore Theatre Alliance (BTA). Earlier this week I had to put together and deliver 50 headshots and resumes to the BTA headquarters (along with the registration and a $5 fee) so that they could be given out to the auditors (representatives from a bunch of theaters throughout the Baltimore area). Last night, after hanging out at my favorite college professor's house with the rest of the senior project class I got back at 11:30 or so, and only then started to finalize which monologues I wanted to audition with and begin memorizing them. I got in bed probably around 3:10 or so, but I had managed to memorize both my monologues and keep it down to under my alloted two minutes. So I kept practicing this morning in the shower, in the car, and in the waiting area for the auditions, but lo and behold, I survived. And not only did I survive, but I feel like I gave one of the better auditions in my grouping. So, I have survived a professional audition in front of many different auditors from multiple theaters, and even did pretty well!

While there I noticed that Audra, who was a senior my freshman year (and cast me in all three shows she directed that year) was the time keeper. So after the audition we got a chance to catch up (they were on a lunch break) which was great. She introduced me to other theatre professionals that she knew, complimented me and my work to them and in regards to my audition, and I was feeling great. I also got a card from the VP of outreach for the BTA who also complimented my audition and told me I should send him my resume so that he can try to get me into the BTA. I'm really very glad I went out to the audition and got through it OK. Now I feel that future auditions will be much easier. Huzzah!
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