Finals, Winter Break and Headshots

Dec 17, 2008 12:56

Finals week is almost done. I just have a final showing of a scene for my acting class tomorrow, and then a write-up and scene score for the scene due the next day. Then I go home. Yay home.

I'm scheduled to get all 4 wisdom teeth out on Monday. This makes me only mildly nervous. They're knocking me out for the surgery, which is good, because while I'm totally fine with medical stuff happening to the rest of my body (I watched myself get stitched up and exclaimed "Cool!" when they showed me my tendon a few years back), dentistry and the like has always made me uncomfortable. So, out I go. A week later I have my checkup to make sure everything's OK...which it better be, because I fly to London on the 30th, arrive on the 31st, and will be in England until January 23rd (studying Shakespeare in England with day-trips to Wales, Scotland, and France!) - then move back to school on the 25th.

Also, a friend pointed out to me a few pretty nice, really selective apprenticeships at the Walnut Street Theater in Philadelphia. For this, I need, along with the application, headshot and resumé submitted around February 1st. And so began my saga to find headshots for the 1 day I was available between when I got home, and when I got my wisdom teeth out and became a chipmunk for a couple days.

Luckily, this saga wasn't too bad, because I happen to know a professional photographer who I figured may be able to cut me a deal. I sent him an email, and after a few days of freaking out that he wasn't responding, he sent me one back saying that not only did Sunday the 21st work perfectly for him, but he could do it for free as a trade for my helping him as an extra in his short movie a couple years back. He wouldn't get them printed for me, obviously, but he gave me a link to a website that could get me a whole bunch for relatively cheap. Huzzah for contacts!

Here's the new question though, and the part that I'm currently mildly freaking out about. Do I get my hair cut before or after the headshot? For a role that I will be playing in April (Henry from Thornton Wilder's The Skin of Our Teeth), I will need bangs. I don't think I've ever had bangs. Certainly not since Elementary School, if it did ever happen. I'm nervous about that, but at the same time, kind of ready for a change to my hair. It's been a while, though I still think I look better with long hair than short.

So, if my hair is one way for this play in April, it will be basically the same way come May and June when I'll be out there auditioning. Which leads to my theory that my headshots should look like I do when I audition. Especially because if I like how the hair style is, I'll probably just keep it for a while. On the flip side, the other theory is that I should get my headshots taken with my current hairstyle, because that's my "normal" hairstyle, and thus more "me." And if anyone asks about my looking different than my headshot, I can point out that I had it cut for a show that I just finished a run of, which is a pretty understandable excuse to a casting director.

This is where y'all come in! What do you think? Should I get my hair cut before the headshot? Or wait and have it done some time earlyish next semester?
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