Quick update, mostly about Faire

Sep 28, 2007 11:08

I'm busy as usual. Don't really have much time for updating in general...or seeing people...or much of anything, really, outside of rehearsals and classes and homework. So, update in no particular order, then Faire.

-Directing's finally done with all the big projects aside from our directing of a scene at the end of the semester. I'm really excited about mine, as it is from Tartuffe by Moliére and is hilarious.
-I'm going to see The Donegal X-Press tomorrow night. It'll be awesome.
-I went to see Sight Unseen at the Everyman theater last night. It was really well done. Needing to focus on the lighting took some away from it, though, sadly. I am decidedly not a designer, and looking forward to the end of this class...or at the very least, the part of the class where it gets to be hands-on-designing with a director from the directing class for the scene they're directing. Should totally be a 4 credit class though for as much outside work as is involved.
-Rehearsals are going well. We finally got to do the final scene of the show two nights ago, which is my favorite (and one of the more active scenes for my character). For those who don't already know, I won't tell you the ending, but...it looks really bloody cool. You should come see it if possible.

-And finally, Faire! This past Sunday, the Goucher Pirate Alliance took 50-some students/alum to the MD Renaissance Faire. It was amazing. We got everyone (who showed up that morning) there, we got everyone home, we get everyone discounts, and we even got a shoutout from the Pyrates Royale during their first show of the day (11 at the Globe), because we'd taken over most of a section. Much thanks to pyratelady and skivee and the rest of the Pyrates Royale for making our day with that. Also, they were joined by their two former members, which made their shows (of which I made sure to get to all of that day), all that much better. Pub Sing at the end of the night was a great cap, too. I miss there being a Pub Sing every night, but I'm glad we're getting to go to all 3 weekends of them (Closing being the next & final, obviously). There were some visiting performers who came out for Pub Sing, too, and they also led to much fun for all of us. I have also decided that I want one of those glass contact juggling balls, a la David Bowie in Labyrinth. People at Faire had them, and I was thoroughly intrigued. They don't sell them there, from what I'm told, which is sad and means I must search elsewhere.


PS: Best of luck to ornery_onion with his GREs today. Think happy, standardized test skill-filled thoughts his way. This is a new experience for him.
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