I told you I'd post something real...

Jul 10, 2007 13:59

I promised I'd do a real post next, so here it is.

A lot's happened since I last posted. I've been pretty good at distracting myself most of the time, which means not giving myself a chance to overthink, which I'm hoping to avoid with this post. So...on to the big news.

Lindsay and I broke up. It sucks, it's complicated, and it's not something I particularly want to go into here, but I felt y'all deserved to at least know that (those of you who didn't already), so that's most likely the last on that topic.

The bartending job for the Clinton Campaign Trail went amazingly well...except for the part where I left my pants at home and didn't realize until like half an hour before I was supposed to be dressed and ready. So I called home and got my brother to bring them over. I was so sure I'd packed them too...Oh well. It worked out. I did the job, I got some experience, I got paid that night. AND! I got my picture with Bill Clinton. I really need to get a copy of that. Now just to see if they decide to use me again.

But! Even if they don't, I got a more regular bartending job. I'm working at the Bala Golf Club in Philadelphia. Lots of rich people with nothing better to do than pay a lot of money to play golf. But, that's OK. Because sometimes I get tipped. And rich people usually tip pretty well, if they bother tipping (we don't officially get tips, but sometimes they're nice and do it anyway.) It's a decent job though. Good for the resumé.

Also on the bartending front...I got my business cards today! So if you want a business card informing you about my ability to tend bar, let me know. Yay cards.

I'm going to stephdray and adamdray's house for the weekend, and then coming back and going to the Decemberists concert with ornery_onion, lunathecat, corman842, and his brother. Should be good times all around.

My brother and I have started going to the gym. It's definitely something I want to keep doing. Lots of fun and I feel good afterwards.

On the 27th I'm planning on getting together with platypuses and some other friends for her 21st birthday party at the beach.

And then on the 29th, down to D.C. with the family for my great-aunt's unveiling. (It is a custom in many Jewish communities to keep a deceased's tombstone covered for the first twelve months after death, and to ceremonially unveil the tombstone on the first anniversary of the death.) Then back up to Philly. Probably going to go down to Virginia the next weekend for my grandfather's 81st birthday. Hopefully I can go...I don't want to take off more days of work if I can avoid it.

And now time for food, 'cause that's an update on life.
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