Spring Break 2007: Pirates go to Florida

Mar 30, 2007 17:36

Monday started out with a trip to a rheumatologist because my joint pain, specifically my knees, had gotten significantly worse in the last few weeks. The Doctor wasn't entirely certain what caused the problems, but eventually decided it was due to hyper-extension of my joints and told me that basically the only solution was to build up the muscles surrounding the joints, though he ran some blood tests just to make sure it wasn't anything else. Blood tests came back negative, so he can't see it being anything but the hyper-extension. I'm not entirely convinced that it makes sense for my loose/bendy joints to be the entire cause of my swelling when the weather changes, but he ought to know more about it than I do. I'm still thinking a 2nd opinion may not hurt. We'll see.

After that I took a train back to Baltimore where I was picked up by pain_junkie, endersspeaker01, and lurie. From there we picked up Brendan's friend Brian, and then off on the roadtrip to Florida! The trip itself wasn't too bad. Long, but not too bad. We switched off drivers so that the 4 of us with licenses drove for a few hours each. It took probably about 13-14 hours to drive, with stops. But, since we were driving mostly at night, there was significantly less traffic; always a plus. The week was spent doing a lot of lazing around, playing on Brendan's Wii, watching Firefly (which when not watched with an obnoxious person is actually very good), going to the beach, making camp fires in the back yard, and other such relaxing activities. Oh, and attempting to make Brendan's mom a pirate flag. Brendan's parents are both very nice people and I'm glad I finally got the chance to meet them. The drive back also was rather uneventful. Which I suppose is a good thing. Though I maintain that South Of The Border signs are creepy. And that damned RV almost ran me off the road. And for my first two times driving a minivan...it could've gone a lot worse, though they do take a bit of getting used to.

It really did feel like a vacation, which was nice and not something I'm really used to on my breaks. Definitely relaxing.

And now I need to get back to my piles of homework due this coming week...of which I'll be gone for 2 days of.

Oh! And I finally got paid for my bartending job from mid-February. The check was waiting for me when I got back from break. Huzzah for money and experience!
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