Oct 01, 2007 22:15
With the closing of "Ghosts of Olompali" I thought I would get a breather. Closing day was, after all, a kind of apothosis, with many actual folks not of our company.
On Tuesday I figured I could trim my moustache for the benefit of my fellow tea students: it was tending to get into the tea and leavle my red moustach green. So I did it.
Tea went better than expected, and then on Thursday I got a call from Phyllis about Sunday.
Sunday? I learned there was to be a parade in Sonoma at which Mark Twain was desired. Cool! -- thought I.
Later I looked in the mirror. --Not so cool! But I could use the brow extender and make it passable. I was ready! Even though I felt a cold coming on.
Saturday morning I was already committed to a parade in Kelseyville, the Pear Festival, at which my grandtots were to march with their gymnastics class: their first performance! I got up at 6, walked the dogs, did the chores, and obsertved that it was 40 F(riggen) degrees out! We went, albeit with their gymn unicorms over sweaters and such, and me with a down jacket. --It was fine parade, with many, many tractors of great vintage.
In the afternon it was time for a ritual to Demeter and Persephone. Fortunately, Jonathon cleaned outdoor and Diana came up to be the priestess. --I attended wraped in jackets, wool shirts, a wool himataen, and my wreath over a stocking cap. It was nice, but cold out. Afterwards I drove down the hill to show Diana my art installation, now in its final phase, before she headed back to Berkeley.
The next morning I awoke at six and was near dead. My throat was swollen shut, raw and burning, and my fever was up. I could barely stnd. I called in sick and spent the day in bed, with Kim feeling me home made chicen soup I was sorry to miss Sonoma, but I would have been useless as anything but a victim on a stretcher.
This morning I felt better and we worked a little on the tea house. But the fever and dizziness is back, and I may have to call in sick for jury duty. Worse, I missed Ana's gymnastics class today, and I may have to miss Byron's class tomorrow.
Just thought you'd all like to know why I have not been more in evidence.