Oct 28, 2004 13:18
ok so umm i saw this whole eminem video thing where he's "political". give me a break. i have no beef with trying to get people to vote, its our greatest right as americans and it is what seperates us from other countries and makes us the bad asses that we are. but here's my problem eminem is trying to get people to vote and not just to vote but to vote for kerry. say by some chance people do go out and vote and vote just on seeing that video because celebrities have that power to make people do what they say in a way and thats just wrong. to not vote is better then having a non educated vote, to go to the polls and vote kerry just cuz eminem or michael moore or nofx or whoever it might tells you to is stupid. i myself am not voting, when i registered i was stoked to vote and i voted in previous non presidential elections and felt like i had my say. i dont like either canidates and dont see one being better or a "lesser evil" as people put it. but at this point i am just going to sit back and hope bush wins just out of spite. its become the cool thing to do, be anti bush, and maybe he deserves some of the shit he gets. my guess is when all these rich celebs go to the polls well if they go to the polls i can see them sitting there in the booth going well i dont like bush's shoot nukes up camels asses plan but i do like his upper class tax cuts, and voting for bush because they are all heartless nutless bastards who look out for themselves and their money. screw that....ok im done ranting i think i might be going clubbin tonight. its not my thing but ill get to hang out with some friends that i dont get to see to much anymore and just have fun. well im gonna go get shower and get my haircut and what not so yea bitches go to ricks coffee house at woodville mall on november 13th and watch us play