fucking mind of mencia is a fucking stupid show. FUCK mencia. fucking dumbass twat. ooooh im mexican therefore i can say shit about how racist people are and use the same thing over and over again. I'm an insisant little cunt doll who deserves nothing my bitchass has learned. he has a stupid show and i hate when it's on ever so much.
wrestling seasons almost begun and im burnt out on wrestling. its gotten old cuz of the late practices weve had and the dick of the coach we have.
Muy thai is fun. I have cuts on my knuckles from the first day and everytime i go they dont heal and just reopen so that when i take off my gloves my wraps are all bloody. I've been meaning to take a picture and show how darn badass it looks but meh its gay.
So senior counseling is going on. We're learning all about what we're gonna do for college. I'm going to go to fjc because I can go to a good school cuz im freakin smart. Without the writing section on the SATs i woudlve gotten a 1400 of 1600, wihtout studying or any shit like that. whatever though i just took them for fun. So I'm gonna go to fjc for two years, sorta gay cuz it's a joke of a college and i'll be going there. Meh. Fuck everyone else. I'll fucking do better than them. After fjc ima go to ucla or something. I wanna be an engineer. I've finally decided. I went thru 4 years of indecision and now i think it's done pat. Probably who konws.
Halloween isn't the same as befores when it was all eerie and fun. Now its just a time of the year. Whatever I'm gonna dress up and be chill fool naw mean. Ya that's about it. I'm gonna be Tony the tiger.