i went to fulletons sadies on friday night heather asked me to pick her up from school and i didnt wanna go to wrestling so i was fine with it. when i picked her up she asked me to go to sadies which was that night how cooky. so ya it was alright considering i dont really like dances and there were a couple girls who i knew. and also when the dance first started the music was out or something and also there werernt many people there at all and i stillz have alot on my mind
its the sauch hes a hunk
and steph heather and cory theyre babes
my date heather
mike was lighter than heather
racooooon he got screwded out of goign
thomas=gayXcore taking gay pictures in sepia
heather- "is your mom still looking steph, can i be bad now" what a whor3
steph looks mildly retarded
we atezor at roadside burger
heather shirt
we tried to take a picture you know catching somoene in a mid jump wehn theyre lke hooray