I have to say that I'm really enjoying
Blood Bowl on steam. As a direct port of the board game to the computer (with some exceptions to come up later) it does a very good job of fulfilling my desire to play.
The rules for the board game are available at the games workshop website (under specialist games) and that includes a handful of game boards. I printed out two, in colour, from Staples a while back.
But being able to play as a computer game makes it easier to find someone to play against ;)
For this lets play I'm not going to go too deeply into the games unless they really stick with me. I have a number of teams (on three different computers) going through the motions of campaigns and leagues.
I've just finishing playing three matches with my Dwarf team, The Doug's Golden Ale. As the name suggests they are a team sponsored entirely by a local ale house, which means their uniform is a truly ugly yellow.
The first match was against an Orc team. They were holding their own, even scoring a touchdown before the half... Only to have my son require me, I go to save the game and then save the game again upon quiting... So they walked away from the second half and gave the orc team the match and all the cash. I will learn not to do that again.
The second match was against a Goblin team. The dwarves relived their racial hatred for goblins. My runner would grab the ball early in a half and then run down to almost crossing the endzone. Then while he was standing there, the other dwarf players (two troll slayers and eight linemen) would just pound on goblins. By the last play of the game the goblins had only three members standing out of 13. And on that final play they knocked one of their own guys out attacking my dwarves. Dwarf victory 2-0.
The third match was against the Dark Elves. The thin little buggers scored two touchdowns in the first half. My dwarves just were not able to deal with their speed and passing plays. But I had injured three of their players in that same half (two out of spite, with one of my players thrown out of the game for it) and by the end of the second half the elves were down to six players. Thinning out the elves had allowed a dwarf to run home with a touchdown, but only the one. The final score was 2-1 for the elves.
So it isn't looking good for the Doug's Golden Ale team. This cup may be out of their reach. But there is always the next tournament and then the next season I suspect.
Played that next match.
It was between Doug's Golden Ale and that dark elf team. I had learned not to let them have a clear run to throw the ball downfield. Or so I thought. I failed to prevent a player from running past my linemen, getting deep into my zone. But it gave me eight men on the line to the elf team having only five. So the dwarves teamed up and started pounding. I just kept the pressure up the whole match. Hitting the dark elves has hard as I could, as often as I could. It wasn't enough for the first half, and a run was passed and then ran in.
In the second I had the ball early, and tried to run it up the field with my dwarven stubby little legs. I had the ball seven out of the eight turns in a half, but those dwarven legs (and getting knocked down two or three times) kept the dwarves from scoring a touchdown to tie the game. In the end the dark elves win with the score 1-0. At the end of the first season the Doug's Golden Ale where ranked third, with those Dark Elves winning the league. The goblins I gloated over beating are fourth.
There is always tomorrow.
So tomorrow was actually today. :)
The next series of battles was for The Ariel Cup. Four teams are going at it. There is my dwarven team Doug's Golden Ale. We have another goblin team Southstorm Squig Chasers, a Wood Elf team The Green Glades and the last is an orc team Greenskin Gutrippers.
My first foe was the Goblins. It was as ugly as the last goblin team. The Ref was killed off the first kickoff, so all the weapons the goblins brought and all the dirty plays I did were suddenly legal and allowed. But just like the first game, the dwarves are more concerned with harming goblins over scoring points. So the first half was cheap, ugly and eight goblins were taken off the field. Four got back on their feet for the second half. I got one touchdown on my last turn of the first half. But that was more just to make sure I am winning at the end of the half.
The second half was just as brief. The goblins had two trolls, but piling on four to six dwarves to each troll was able to keep them down. And playing dirty on the last couple of turns when I was clearly in the lead was able to take them out of the game. A second touchdown ends my acts on the second half.
So Doug's Golden Ale wins their first match of the ariel cup. The orcs also won against the wood elves, and looking at the wood elves team value the orcs did an even worse job on the elves then I did to the goblins.
Next I face the Orcs. And the third match will be against the wood elves. I wonder who will win between the weaken wood elves and the battered goblins. Oh well. I should go sleep now. You all have fun eh?