Aug 26, 2004 10:16
yesh kiki is back and that kicks such ass.....hahah she already asked me out to prom.,.....damn now i feel bad cuz i wanted to ask someone esle....u think i could have 2 DATES?!.....haha i wish......nahh...well it would be fun...if u think about it we grew up from kindegarden together and to leave highschool like that would be funny.......
so yesh i am bored out of my mind...i'm working everyday of the week and i have had trouble sleeping and shit...especially since last night....dude honest if u don't see me in september go find my grave or meet me in tim buck freaking too.....
this is the problem my master owns his school and has the write down on a satalite skool he has in scarborough....WELL....the instructor in scaraborough i have known since i competed in 2002 and he was the one who made me a champ (2 international golds) and he asked me and i want to teach at his school....i
ve been there lots and been helping him out when he sick or when he has alot of paper work i'll run class myself....or help him while he instructs.....i mean its the only way i spend time with my dad now that he joined.....sooooooooooooo.....u don't think its bad right...but my master has me working for him adn i guess i'm only supposed to work for him and well i was caught last night instructing.....i had 2 classes last night a little kids class and then and adults class.....and well they came for the end of the little kids class and stayed until i left.......
so u bee like soo that means nothing.....
WELL>................i'm scared because i could lose my job at my masters school and even get blasted for i donno i'm just worried liek alot of shit i had going for me could be gone or i could keep it....i don't want to sell kfc i want to teach ppl....that's wat i know i'm supposed to do..........
wat ever i just gotta relax and have fun....
yeah on another note i was mentoring these past three days and man it was fun...all of the jokes....then this one girl honest we got into a fight about her hieight and how she was shorter than me but she didn't believe me meanwhile she is wearing foot hight heels.....oh yeah ur alot talller than me the dance they had i wanted to dance but it was wierd i felt like i had to work so i couldn't .,.....eww....i wanna go clubbing....
l8r days.....