Stress Gives Me Gas

Feb 13, 2008 14:08

Stress gives me gas.  At least, most of the time.

There are different kinds of stress, thus some of them like to just make me queasy or jittery, and then some like to make me gaseous ... like a gaseous mass.  Like Jupiter.

Work Stress (which doesn't really apply to me because both of my jobs are pretty mindless, still I do stress myself out sometimes and needlessly) makes me jittery and queasy, almost like I drank too much coffee.  I get nervous, I'll studder, I'll avoid eye contact ... basically I become the introvert that I habitually am, except that I'll feel physically ill about it.

Then, there's School Stress which I haven't experienced in a year or so.  But School Stress just leaves me with no appetite and I'll spend hours and hours of my time searching for ways to procrastinate so that I can stress myself even further when it's three hours before the paper is due and I don't even have a thesis stated.

There's Bored Stress, which doesn't really result in any type of physical ailment, just small and random acts of rebellion that can make me feel like I'm really not so bored for a few hours, but after the incident is over, I feel even more bored than before.

The Gaseous Stress is often a result of the after-effects of the Bored Stress.  I'll sit down, and I'll start thinking, and thinking and thinking and thinking.  The thinking never stops.  This is when I get myself into trouble.  The thinking leads to the gas.
Self-inflicted Stress (SIS) is when I get the stress gas.  SIS causes me to have no appetite, to consume a lot of coffee and other various drinks/foods containing caffeine, and to sleep about a grand total of four hours everyday/night.  Basically, it has all the negative affects of the other stresses, PLUS abdominal discomfort.

And it sucks.

And I'll let you in on a little secret.  It's happening right now.  
Not the gas part, because you don't need to know that.  
It's the SIS.  The SIS is happening right now.

And I'm trying to use that rational Julie logic that has worked so well before and has often times led my out of this dark and gaseous place, but the SIS is making it sound awfully meager.

Last time this happened, it was two and half years ago.  If I turn back into the person that I was two and a half years ago, I think I'll literally collapse on myself.

Lets give a rundown of what happened:
-Julie lost fifteen pounds
-Julie unknowingly became a mute (this was later realized after the debris had been cleared)
-Julie became a cliche girl
-Julie would cry in her spare time
-Julie lost all of her friends

Granted, the SIS hasn't affected me that badly.  I hope it never will again.

I blame the SIS on Valentine's Day.
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