Nov 26, 2011 13:26
This was the first Thanksgiving I spent with Kevin. His sister is home from Chicago, and his mom put together a delicious dinner for us. Us girls drank white wine, which is something I never do. Kathy (Kevin's mom) gave a tiny speech about how happy she was to have both her kids there, and then said how happy she is I've come into their lives, and it was really special for all of us to be there, and it was really cute. I almost teared up a little.
There was even a little LEGO turkey Kathy found somewhere and had as the centerpiece, hehehe.
I still feel like I'm imposing a little bit when his sister is home, only 'cause I moved in while she was gone, and I don't want her to think I'm being a free-loading and taking advantage of her mom and brother. But we get along fine and she's super nice but I just don't know her that well yet so when she's home I feel weird 'cause I'm living in her house. I dunno. Anyways.
I've also noticed that I'm kinda loud. I don't yell a lot or anything, but just the natural volume of my voice is a lot louder than Kev's whole family. They don't talk as much (not like Martin's dad's side of the family, who are all too snooty to give you the time of day, but just...they're so quiet, and don't mind sitting in complete silence for a while). I grew up in a very, VERY noisy environment where everyone was talking over everyone else 'cause they're opinion is way more important, and they're jokes are way funnier. And it's not like I get scolded for being loud here, but I'm become extremely self-aware over the past couple years (probably due to being extremely paranoid about most social situations) and I feel like I'm screaming at Kathy or Susi when I compare how we're talking, haha.
Anyways, it was a really nice holiday for me. My parents took a bunch of us out to breakfast on Thursday and it was a fairly pleasant family meal. My aunt Barb is as annoying as ever, and her grandson is a pain in the ass. But Maddie was being pretty chill as always, so that's at least one little kid I like! I'm in the middle of my four-day weekend, and lemme tell you- NOT working a retail job, or at a dog kennel this time of year is FUCKING AWESOME. =]
I think I'm gonna go so a bit and work on some Christmas presents. Bye er'rybody!