"I Couldn't Wait for the Summer and the Warped Tour!"

Jul 07, 2011 14:50

Right! I almost forgot to post my annual "bands I wanna see at Warped Tour" list.

Big D And The Kids Table <--- #1 priority!

Foxy Shazam <--- I've heard about these guys a bunch, almost saw 'em at Great Scott a while back. Gonna try to check 'em out if the schedule allows.

illScarlett <--- opened for Big D in Northampton, more 311-y type music but still pretty damn good.

Larry And His Flask <--- Yup yup yup! They opened for Big D (I see a trend here...) at the Paradise and were SO FUN! They were supposed to play with Tristan Omand on my birthday at the Shaskeen, but the lead singer was coughing up blood or something. So, very excited for this!

Less Than Jake <--- I got to a bunch of LTJ shows, but rarely ever watch them. This'll be an "if nobody else is playing at the time" kinda thing.

Lucero <--- Tristan introduced me to this band over the winter, and I liked it a lot, stoked to see it live.

MC Lars with Weerd Science <--- curious how his set will be with a new backing band, but he always puts on a good show! Plus, dude gives great hugs.

River City Extension <--- SO EXCITED! It's so random they're on Warped Tour, but I think they'll end up being a crowd favorite of the smaller stage bands. They put on such a good live show, and Joe's lyrics are so well put together. Still surprised most of 'em are my age or younger!

Simple Plan <--- I might have to watch them play, just because of middle school. I really couldn't care less if I saw them or not, haha.

Street Dogs <--- Mike McColgan is such a legend! He was the original Dropkick Murphy's singer (I do kinda like that stuff more, though will Al Barr and Ken Casey they have some super fun, scream at the top of your lungs type songs.). Anyways, they're real good. A bit more on the political side of punk, but still good tunes.

The Aggrolites <--- I've missed their sets at a bunch of shows I've gone too, excited to check 'em out finally.

Seems like it's another ska/punk filled summer, and I couldn't be happier. =D

warped tour!

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