I'm Gonna Get Me....Outta Here!

Mar 31, 2011 18:47

Work has been super stressful lately, and I've missed 4 or 5 days in the past two weeks 'cause I've been super sick, and my car cost lots and lots of money to pass inspection.
But even with all that thrown in, I'm so fuckin' happy.

I'm officially not living at home anymore. Still in the process of getting the rest of my shit out of my room, but I haven't even stepped foot in that apartment in weeks. WEEKS! Not dealing with my brother and his fucked up fiancee, or my dad's awesome personality, or those DOGS! AH! I don't have to live with those dogs anymore!

I miss my mom, and feel kinda bad for up and leaving without...um...ANY notice whatsoever. I just kinda stopped coming home one night, haha. I love that woman to death though, even if she's not all there sometimes, =P! And I miss my kitty, Laz is cool shit and I feel awful for abandoning her with the rest of that household. And Moss.

Holy crap. I'm finally out.

Actually, with an apology for sounding controlling, Kevin told me I'm not allowed back there. Which is honestly one of the best things anyone has ever told me, hahaha.

So I guess that's the biggest life change right now? Legally, I'm still a Manchester resident. But in REAL life, I live in Londonderry. With my unrealistically awesome "man-candy", hahaha. I feel stupid for being this excited about my boyfriend (the novelty of typing that out/saying it still hasn't worn off!), and feel stupid that well...we've already moved in together. 'cause it's one of those HOLY SHIT YOU'RE MOVING TOO FAST!!! things in some people's heads. And I totally judge people that make big moves like this in a relationship too fast - I give so much shit - but somehow it's not weird, for either of us, at all. So that's cool.

I have kind of disappeared from the world for the past month, other than finally getting my BRIDESMAID DRESS FOR JESS'S WEDDING!!!, so hey....let's make plans!

Oh yeah, my birthday went by, and I didn't do a damn thing 'cause I was dying in bed the whole day and the day after. It was aweeeesome. But Jess-Lady made/sent me a super awesome card, and that completely made my day. =D

Uhm...the Manchester Zombie Walk might have a date set, byyyy the way! Not many people read this, but for those that do please keep it quiet for now: June 11th! It's a Saturday. I'll keep everyone posted when the actual plan for the day is set (I'm one of four people on the Zombie Attack Squad, 'cause I'm that big of a nerd!)

Alright, I gotta go make dinner plans. I love everyone, and I know I haven't been around much, so if anyone wants to make plans to hang soon or even just comment with awesome/not so awesome stuff going on with you, let me know! I miss y'all! <3!


p.s. - I started goin' to shows again!! Bomb the Music Industry ruled! Flogging Molly was one of the most fun shows I've seen in a venue that wasn't the size of a closet (House of Blues)! Dropkick Murphy's and Against Me! had a shitty crowd, but played super energetic sets! And then a huge punk festival last weekend in Allston/Brighton/Boston that kicked my ass pretty hard. Might update more about all that stuff later, =]


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