I'll reach page 100 tomorrow, which is always a relief. I never feel as though I'm really in a book until 100, and everything I write after that always goes faster and smoother. I hear my characters, and their voices aren't completely solid until I've written a good deal of dialog
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As for pets - now these are not all mine. Some are Debbi's but are living here while she sells the old house. They're all rescues.
Currently, there are two dogs, sisters, Jessie and Maili. They're border collie/weimaraner mixes and they're freaking gorgeous.
Cats...well. There's Dugly, the world's largest, laziest cat, who lived most of her life in a wood shed. Then the boys - all from one litter abandoned in the snow last year when they were tiny kittens. Blue, Spike, Zach and Simon. None of them look like each other at all. There's Chloe, who lived the first part of her life in the wild, even though it was way out in the woods with lots of coyotes around. She's mastered the art of the pathetic meow. No human can resist. And finally there's Tweety, who was found near death, having been mangled in a car engine. She's had her tail removed and her chin sewn up, but she's a beauty and so big now! So, yeah. That's 7 cats. 2 dogs. We'll eventually have one more dog here, yet another rescue. Her name is Willow and she's a rat terrier, spoiled, and living with her mom until mom moves here full time. It would be wonderful if only the dogs would learn how to clean out the cat litter. :)
It's all good though. Debbi (the roommate) and I are both widows, and we both write for the same imprint for Harlequin. We've known each other for 14 years, and we both knew we'd end up being crazy cat (and dog) ladies together. Everyone should have a friend like her. Seriously. Although she doesn't care for slash or fanfiction at all, but we can't have everything. :)
Glad to hear the writing is going well.
I'm totally jealous of you re: how many pets you have, jsyk! ♥
Although she doesn't care for slash or fanfiction at all, but we can't have everything. :)
I can relate! I have a friend who's basically me (only, um, a lot prettier and less em0): her only 'imperfection' is that she's not into slash, LOL.
Incidentally, I was not a reader at all until I discovered the "Zebra" brand of historical romance when I was 15. I started writing my own that same year. Yes, I had never even kissed anyone, much less had sex, but my 120 page manuscript, awfulAWFUL as it was, got passed around Honors English a LOT. Someone just friended me on Facebook that I haven't seen or heard from in 20 years, and that romance novel is what she asked me about. I told her about what I write now. We'll see if that floats her boat as well. Heh. ;-)
I'm so glad you're posting more, Jo. :-)
And you know what? Debbi is wonderful.
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