Dec 07, 2004 09:22
Most of you who know me know that I'm normally a fairly happy person. Lately, life just plain seems to suck. I got 'counselled' yesterday over a stupid job for a stupid demanding customer who, cos she claims to have spent $10,000 in the Copy Centre (where I work) alone last year, that she can throw her weight around. Demanding the 'old people back' who 'always did her job right' - I mean, I don't even know if I was responsible for what she claims to be the big stuff up. I mean, I probably was, cos I did the majority of the job, but another team member did part of it, too... I didn't mention that to the manager, when she asked me 'in to the office, and could you please close the door'. I mean, they want to 'retrain' me in 'quality checks' - I felt so humiliated. Especially when I am going for a promotion... which, thanks to this, I'm sure I have even less chance of getting, now.
Jase hates his job. It has him going so crazy he's started coming home from work after a few hours, the other day he just plain did not go at all, couple that with Christmas and the dozen bills that are due between now and then - and presents that we haven't even beGUN to LOOK at, let alone buy...
I just hate my life right now... oh, and I haven't even STARTED thinking about the possibility that we may have to move in March...
I'm all stressed about my application for the Bachelor of Teaching that I want to do as well. The date has closed and I worry that I haven't got good enough grades...
Life just plain seems to suck...
Oh, and I've had such bad feelings from Trazling and THMB (which used to be my lifeline) that I've left them both (and a few of the people from there dumped all over my forum) leaves me just plain feeling like shit.
I badly need a hug and a new life.