What do humans need

Dec 10, 2005 20:48

What is it the we humans need?

According to Maslow's hierchy of humans needs the thing we need most are our physiological needs, followed by safety need, and then belongingness and love needs. Well honestly I believe a bit differently. i think that we need love and belongingness before safety; because, truly what is life without happiness. When I think of life, I dont think that it would mean anything without my happiness. I think it may be better to be dead. I mean why is it that we try so hard to achieve it. And honestly All of our other needs lead to happiness. Think about it! When we eat or drink it makes us happy at that time. Nothing is more precious in life than happiness.

The other thing I know we need is God. God gives our life purpose. When we are down we look to God. But why is it that in our joy and happiness we forget about him. Maybe forget is too harsh, we misplace him; because once shit hits the roof who do we turn right back to? We need His guidance and His love. It's nourishment to our soul, without Him we would starve, maybe not physically but, still, starve nonetheless. I need his guidance, I need his motivation and his help, I need to finish school.
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