Mar 31, 2007 08:55

QUESTION, before I forget is, do you have any idea where I can order Sex Pot stuff. I want a t-shirt (because all the t-shirts they sell here are boring) and I have no idea where to get it. Does the OHP have an option for ordering overseas? I'm too lazy to check :|
Last night, I was thinking about last year- who I hung out with, what I listened, how I dressed and I somehow missed it. I used to care less about the ''true meaning of life'' and what I was doing, it was so much more fun and so much easier. Now I'm constantly feeling down and I just want it all ''to end''... or something. I swear, I'm not emo. D:
It's Spring Break here and what do I intend to do? STUDY D: My japanese teacher talked to me yesterday about how she felt I was giving up. Pretty much, this made me realize I'm a tuff bitch- she thinks I'm giving up, I'll make her eat her socks when I succeed. That's how I am, sue me! Actually I was rather giving up- I saw no hope in what I was doing, I knew I was going to be beaten and overall, I was pretty tired and annoyed. But, I guess, now I have new power to kick ass. AND KICK HARD!
I'm going out with my friends now. Shopping, haha, I'm such a typical girl. I might write how it went afterwards, if I don't get back too lazy to write anything and just sit down and read Never Ending Story (one of my favorite books, along with Alice in Wonderland).

UGH, DEN-O EPISODE 9, STOP BEING AN ASS AND DOWNLOAD! D: (Note to self: Ask Stoyana if she was able to download it.)
And I bought this for a friend:

\:D/ Why am I the only one of my friends who likes buying stuff to the others and making them happy?
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