May 13, 2010 22:13

I was trying to save for a new desktop computer (mine is around ten years old) when the shiny of the iPad shone my way, and I just couldn't resist. I ended up with the 32 gig, 3G model. I'm justifying it to myself because my vision has gotten worse over the past couple of years, and having a back-lit, book-sized reading device is SO NICE! I've purchased some comic books, pdf books, and magazines to try out on it (not to mention the couple-dozen Kindle books I already had). Haven't had much time to play with it, yet, but I'm already in love. The free WeatherBug app is a-freaking-MAZING. Video and photos look beautiful on it. But I'm mainly using this for eye-fatigue-free reading.

Otherwise, I've been spending the last couple of weeks outdoors. Boss and I decided we're not going to take a vacation this spring/summer, so instead have been devoting our time and energy into fixing up the yard and gardens, so we can just enjoy them over the summer. It's starting to look really good, better than I've ever seen it. Will post photos when we're done. :-)

The yardwork has been great knee-rehab. It still doesn't function normally, but well enough that I can do pretty much everything I could before, as long as I'm careful and wear my brace. My next ortho appointment is May 24th. At my last appointment, I was told I would be referred to a surgeon for a consult, and I see that his name has been added to this appointment. Ulp? Ah well, as much as I'd like to avoid surgery altogether, I'd also like my leg to be as close to NORMAL as humanly possible. We'll see what he has to say about it. At the very least, I expect a few words of praise for my rehab progression. I've worked HARD, darn it! *g*
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