If I ever right a book about work, that's going to be the title. It's practically become my mantra while sorting and straightening at the end of the night. for reference look I think 3 entries before this.
and I've still found no way to do LJ updates from my PocketPC, which is kind of upsetting.
First up, a link:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/gothicbeauty21/868963.html but while stocking and sorting, it at least lets me think about things.
Tonight I was thinking, what's the incentive to work?
At the yellow tag place, employees don't work on commission, which is something we actually have to inform people as floor persons.
"Hi, I'm Jomac, and no matter what you buy I still get the same hourly pay whether I do well and help you find everything you need or just dick around until somebody asks for help."
So like most jobs, my only incentive to do well is to not get fired, and my own internal desire to help people. Luckily I have the latter or I'd last about 1 week at my job.
I actually lost my old job because I thought helping people was the priority rather than telling my boss my lunch plans every damn day, but I digress.
So, the first month I worked there, we as a store were in contention to win a banner, every region has 3 stores (our region has 72, although it does seem odd that we'd be gerrymandered to include N. Carolina and Virginia in our region, but not Georgia.) that win banners, the store I'm at hasn't had a banner in somewhere around three years. (which I later found out they had pretty much dicked around for those three years, so our store would have an easy time meeting goals now.) So, I thought it'd be interesting to be a part of a winning team, every morning we had speeches to get us motivated, and the GM actually did that he was pretty good at motivational speaking. and tada, our store wins gold, #1 in the region, #10 in the state.
What do we as employees get? We get to see a banner hung up on the wall and a 9AM saturday morning meeting. What did my supervisor get? apparently a check for like $600, basically what the min. Wagers get for two weeks pay.
This week they're starting viewpoint, which is basically an employee survey of what you think to work there, and honestly working there's not bad. (except closing) But to motivate us to do these surveys they're giving us free paid barbecue lunch on wednesday.
So to recap for those of you that skipped that whole big block of text. Fill out a F'ing survey, free paid lunch. Work our asses off to make the store #1, get to wake up early on one of my days off and my supe gets a bonus check. WTF?!?!
"Hi, my name's jomac and I don't make any commission, but my supervisor and the store managers do." Where's my incentive, I think I'll just make myself a set of cue cards and if anybody asks me a question, I'll help them find what they're looking for, then read them off my set of cards. I've done everything I have to, and given the least effort required, all I need to keep my job.
I don't like commission, so don't give me commission, but when we go above and beyond that call of duty and do exceptionally well, a little kickback wouldn't be bad. Or take it away from supervisors and managers, I'm sure they'd be up for that, right? I mean they do already make more than the majority of employees, don't they. Granted, once they did give away marlins tickets (whoop-dee-fuck) and that's kind of nice, but it was like six sets for over 130 employees.
That's why I shouldn't close, because i think of shit like this.
And, oh yeah, second month, we scored bronze, got another banner, but no 9AM meeting. This month, we're on the road to bronze and I'm happy with that. :-D