Two days before my final examination...

Apr 17, 2009 15:09

   Well, am in the library right now. At last, I had finished reading the "Unforgiven" written by Jules Hardy. It had been a long while to me as in reading a thick novel, of 406 pages! And I took one month of time to finish reading it. The thickest novel I ever read until now! Hmmm....ok, I'm not used to read a novel, not until I accidentally saw the title of this book. I remembered the last novel that I read was "The Child Called It", given by Tsu as my 20th birthday's present. Well, can it be considered as a novel with the pages that it has? *thinks*
    Anyway, I'm glad that I had finished reading the novel, after spending about a month of reading it (included the first two weeks which I'm quite busy with my uni life). At the end, Sammy has been living in an island near New York City with Mr. Westmore, the ginger-bread man whom is known to Sammy. Suzzannah died as being forced to death by the Kouranis. Suzzannah is a great friend of Sammy after all, that she had accompanied Sammy in the prisoner cell all the while when they were captured by the Kouranis. Damn Kouranis! Anyway, the author didn't really further elaborate the friendship between Sammy and Rajiv, after the stormy incident. She gave a insight view of the discrimination happens between the blacks and the whitey; on how an aliened person was being not welcomed in the island of Sansobella (well, everytime I read on the word Sansobella, I would wonder whether there's really a place called Sansobella. It seems that I can't really find the place through the internet.)   
; on how the unlikely relationship (between the whitey, Sammy and the Indian from the East, Rajiv) in the eyes of other people would last etc. Of course it lasted for a long period of time, revealed by the author. Anyway, there's a chapter in which the author had written about the shamefulness of Rajiv of having a whitey as a friend (of course, that's from Sammy's point of view). It was indeed a sadden thing to even think of. Sammy had been a loner, after losing his beloved mother in a car accident, and thus started to vent his anger during his schooling days. Then, he met Rajiv, a diligent student from the East India, in which later had altered the life of Sammy. Sammy AKA Shakes started to change, started to be able to mix around with the others, and started to be someone whom everyone would like him to be. Some sort of losing his own self in order to please others; in order to filled up his lonesome. Anyway, the lonesome still there with him no matter how hard he tried. And then, he met Suzzannah in the island, in which later had become a good companion of him during the capture of them as the prisoner (as a matter of involving in the riot in the view of the Kouranis). At the end, it's the Kouranis who wants all the power, that the Kouranis had forced Suzzanah to death; that had captured Sammy for "involving" in the riot. Knowing that no one is there outside the prison of that small island to even thought about the whereabouts of Shake; nor remembered the existence of Shake in that island, Shake felt hopeless that he waits to die slowly in the darkness. But, in the end, it was Mr. Westmore, the ginger-bread man who had helped him out, with a high pay of two hundred and five thousand dollars for the bailment of Shake! How would Shake had possible thought that the small rescue of Mr. Westmore daughter, Leanne, would meant so much to Mr. Westmore? That he can give a high pay just to help Shake up! And giving him a great job, as a manager in a bar, owns by Mr. Westmore?! What an ending of this story.
    Somehow, one may never know. You may never know that your action would perhaps had altered the life of somebody, that he or she would feel thankful for your existence; that would become a strength to ones; and becomes parts of their life. One may never know, how important you may be in others' heart and soul. And when you had realized of the importance of yourself to someone else, do love yourself as much as others love you. Because, that would be a best way to show the gratitude of us upon the loving of others. Cherish yourself as well as cherish others. Be able to accept love is the same as giving out love. 
    And the "Closing Cycle" by Paulo XXX, recommended by Tsu, is so great and meaningful! That I eventually search for that article, and found a nice blog Spellbound Speller
linked to this article! Her command of English is fabulous!   
   Gosh, and I borrowed another book, entitled "You don't know me" by David Klass. My, I only have another two days before my final examination, and I'm borrowing another book to read at? Luckily I still on track. And looks on the time now! Gee, got to stop at here.
That's all for today. For those who are having final examination these couple of weeks, I wish you all the best in your finals! Good Luck and Ganbatte kudasai!

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