Aug 08, 2008 07:09
So, yesterday was ridiculously fun. We got up, were moderately lazy at first, and then went down to check out life on the bottom floor. Line for registration was hella long, liek whoa, so we went to the irish pub, ate, and waltzed over to Millenium Park for the Harry/Draco meetup. Much smut was gabbed about, much swag was recieved, and I am rather completely in love with everyone at the moment. We recieved more than a few stares whilst in the park, seeing as how the majority of us were in some level of interesting dress, but they were mostly kind, somewhat bemused, and totally-jealous-of-our-awesomeness stares.
Drabble Number 2:
Drabbble #2-Snape at the Hilton
It had started as a somewhat desperate attempt to break the monotony of the small room and the daytime television.
(Jerry Springer-which amused him, and Oprah-which did not. )
But now, he just stood staring.
The practicality of the waterproof material was indisputable-it rather reminded him of the smocks he was forced to wear whilst working on a particularly troubling potion.
But, for the love of Merlin, why did they have to be small?
In the end, Snape reasoned that, if he could lie to the dark lord without flinching, he refused to be cowed by a Speedo and a hot tub.