
May 13, 2004 15:32

Wow. I should have saved that conversation! Damnit!! Some stupid Aussie chick and her friend were talking shit to me on msn and when I pointed out the fact that they couldn't type in proper english, they got defensive and started critiqueing my typing as well. It started out when she called me ugly lol. I went along with it, think it was just some stupid joke, but when she tried to tell me everything that was wrong with me, I knew something had died and crawled up her ass and created a family of shit-heads. I've met some pretty dumb people in my life, but I think this instance wins overall. I really think that people like her should just be lined up and shot. Almost like the Jews in Nazi Germany, but it is a legitimate cause. She proceeded to tell me that I was stupid because of the fact that I'm American. So I asked her if she thought where you were born has any relation to how intelligent you are, and she said yes. By then I was positive she must be exterminated lol. But just because I enjoy argueing with dumbass bitches, I kept talking to her. Eventually she just got offine so I think they must have blocked me or something. I'm glad if they did haha. Some people just dn't handle truth as well as others...
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