Apr 12, 2013 19:32

I used to lie fairly often, horrible little shit that I am. I'd lie for nothing other than banter and interest, sometimes. I'd lie to impress people, to wriggle myself out of sticky situations, and to entertain myself. My lying penchant was a dirty and bad habit that regularly got me into trouble, because, even though I would lie frequently-- I never seemed to lie well.

Over the past say, five years, I've gotten much better at being honest about things. I'm not perfect, and sometimes I'll still hear something come out of my mouth and ask myself, "Tess, why did you say that? It wasn't even remotely true!" but for the most part I'm a decently honest person. Honesty is one of the virtues I value the most in people: if you can't be true to yourself (because that's what honesty is really about, I think), how can you stand for anything?

Yesterday I told a lie. I think if you're going to lie, you should go all out. I mean, you're already lying, so what's the point of trying to play it safe? If you get caught, you get caught and the damage is done. (I guess there's the argument that the less of a lie you tell, the less likely you are to be found out, but I'm ignoring that.) I didn't want to go to my last shift at work. I ended my time working there on a rather sour note, as I got into a fight with one of my co-workers that ended in shouting and swearing, and my boss was a sexist prick (as all bosses tend to be)!

Yesterday I didn't want to go into work. I wanted to lie in bed and watch bad tv episodes. So I sent a text to my manager that said, "My friend just had a seizure and I'm on the way to the hospital with her, is there any chance i could get off work tonight?" He was like, "nope, no one can cover for you, you'll have to come in." So I did. I went to work anyways and I had to answer question about my friend who didn't exist and her medical condition that didn't exist and I felt like a shithead and guys, I had to go into work ANYWAYS. I was so busy trying to make sure that my lie was weird enough to be believable but not so far-fetched as to not be realistic that I forgot to make sure my lie actually GOT ME OFF WORK.

Life sucks. Life sucks more if you're not honest.
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