Jolteon's (long overdue) Moveset omg

Sep 28, 2008 19:33

Ground A Attacks
Moves that don't involve Smashes or Special Attacks done on the ground

*Neutral A Combo: A three punch (right hook-left hook-uppercut) combo with very minimal knockback. Is ongoing as long as the player keeps tapping A. The uppercut deals more damage, but not much.

*Forward Tilt: Leans forward and strikes with the heel of his palm. Opponent will stuffer a small electrical shock, possibly resulting in a stun (lasting no longer than two seconds). Pretty good choice for a knockback move.

*Up Tilt: Swipes arm over his head in an arc and a small trail of electricity follows. Good knockback and a good finisher. Very similar to Zelda's up tilt move.

*Down Tilt: Crouches and chops his hand at the opponent's legs, knocking them off their feet. Low damage, but good for combos or getting away from the opponent.

*Dash Attack: A sliding kick that will sometimes knock other characters down. Does more damage depending on whether or not the other character gets knocked down. Good knockback. Leaves Jolt slightly exposed as he gets up.

*Get-Up Attack: Spins both legs around to knock others away (“sweeper kick”), as with most other characters.

*Ledge Attack: Aims a kick at the opponent's chest as he gets up. Provides very good knockback. If over 100%, though, the kick is charged with electricity, adding more damage and possibly knocking the opponent down in addition to the knockback..

Smash Attacks
Powerful chargable attacks that finish off foes with high damage.

*Forward Smash: Punches with a strong, electrically charged fist. Decent knockback and fair damage.

*Up Smash: Swipes his arm in the air three times with a bolt of electricity extended from his hand (similar to Pikachu's Side Smash) that is very effective against aerial opponents (like Link's Up Smash).

*Down Smash: Does a swiping kick on the ground with a trail of electricity that follows. Attack box in back is half of the size of the front. Takes him a moment to get up, leaving Jolt vulnerable for that time.

Aerial A Attacks
Attacks done while airborne.

*Neutral Air: Does a flying jump kick. Pretty weak compared to other attacks.

*Forward Air: Spins with an electrical charge for a powerful tackle. Similar to Pikachu's Forward Air. Excellent knockback, especially when hitting heavily damaged opponents.

*Back Air: Simple backhand that provides moderate knockback.

*Up Air: Stabs his arm straight up and a bolt of electricity extends from his hand, slightly longer than Link's sword. Is similar to Link's Up Air, but is not as powerful. Extremely effective for countering aerial attacks and a great finisher.

*Down Air: Brings both hands together and looses a fairly powerful ball of electricity directly beneath him. Slows his descent slightly and can be used multiple times by continuing to press A. Very similar to Lucario's Down Air, and has no landing lag.

Grabs and Throws
Moves that utilize grabbing an opponent and tossing them elsewhere.

*Grab: Reaches out and grabs the opponent's shirt/fur/whatever with his left hand and holds. Good recovery time if he misses or if the opponent breaks free.

*Grab Attack: Shocks the opponent.

*Forward Throw: Tosses the opponent forward and sends a bolt of electricity directly after which sends them flying further than the throw would without it.

*Back Throw: Throws the opponent back and kicks them away with a electrically charged thrust, similar to Link's Back Throw.

*Up Throw: Tosses opponent up, then shocks them with a powerful ball of electricity that will send the opponent flying at a 60 degree angle in the direction Jolt was facing when he originally landed the grab.

*Down Throw: Throws the opponent under him, then jumps and looses a series of very quick bolts of lightning beneath him, very similar to Falco's Down Throw.

Special Moves
Moves used with the B button to create a variety of unique effects.

*Neutral B (CHARGE BEAM): Charges a ball of electricity in his hands, much like Samus or Lucario do with their Neutral B. Tapping B again will release it, and shielding/rolling will save the energy for further charging or shooting later. Moderate knockback.

*Forward B (THUNDERBOLT): Another projectile move. Shoots a powerful bolt of lightning from his hand that arcs along the ground much like Pikachu's Neutral B. If dashing and close enough to someone, Jolt will hit the opponent with his electricity and shock them several times, causing more damage since the opponent is closer to the source. Poor knockback unless a direct hit, which gives it excellent knockback.

*Up B (QUICK ATTACK): Works the exact same as Pikachu's Up B except has more distance and slightly less lag at the beginning, middle, and end. Also causes no damage but can knock opponents off their feet should Jolt go past them directly.

*Down B (THUNDER): Works the same as Pikachu's Down B but with shorter recovery time.

Final Smash
Ultimate moves used after getting a Smash Ball that change the tide to any battle.

*Final Smash (DISCHARGE): Jolteon jumps into the air in the center of the stage, shouting “Joooool...teee...”. The screen darkens and a huge circle of electricity traps all players inside, wracking up damage (like Raikou from Melee except larger). He thrusts his fists back and his eyes blaze yellow, then finishes shouting his name, “eeOONNNN!” with gusto as bolts of electricity loose themselves from Jolt at random. After about six large bolts, the electrical field flickers a few times and goes out, and Jolt floats back to the ground, where he crouches to recover. Those opponents who weren't hit with a lightning bolt (which would most likely result in a KO) will have taken a lot of damage. Jolt will be invincible but unable to move for a few moments, like Falco/Fox/Wolf after their Landmaster Final Smash.

Misc. Moves
Things that don't have to do with attacks that every character still has.

*Dash: Jolteon's dash speed is faster than Captain Falcon's, but slower than Sonic's. (6th fastest pokemon, base speed of 130)

*Jump: Fairly high jumps, probably similar to that of Falco (but slightly shorter).

*Double Jump: Slightly less than the first jump.

*Shield: Normal shield, yellow in color.

*Dodge Roll: Extremely fast roll speed.

*Spot Dodge: Very quick, good response.

*Air Dodge: Same.

*Wall Jump: Since he is light and fast, Jolt can wall jump.

*Wall Cling: Can also wall cling.

Poses and Taunts
Fun little stuff that are done before, during and after matches.

*Introduction Pose: Appears in a bolt of lightning (as opposed to the traditional pokemon-out-of-pokeball intro), then clenches both fists and assumes a fighting pose.


#Side- Pumps his fist and grins, saying “Jolt!”

#Up- Grins goofily and juggles three balls of electricity for a second before they disappear.

#Down- Crouches in a fighting pose and his hair stands on end in his traditional fauxhawk way. Stays like such for the duration of the battle if this taunt is used.

*Winning Poses:

1- Jumps with his fist in the air and says, “Hey, alright!”

2- Poofs and changes to his poke-form, then stretches like a playful dog and says, “Jolt!”

3- Runs a hand through his hair and grins bashfully, chuckles, then scuffs a shoe.

Odds and Ends
Weird stuff some characters have or other things.

*Kirby Hat: Kirby will have white spiked hair (fauxhawked) and yellow Jolteon-ears.

*Weight class: Lightweight.

*Alternate Colors:

Red: Hoodie turns red-orange, fur collar and hair becomes a pale yellow. Ears turn red-orange and slightly rounded. Tail becomes fluffy and pale yellow. Blue eyes. (Flareon colors)

Blue: Hoodie becomes a bright blue, fur collar is white. Hair becomes navy blue along with the tail, which becomes mermaidish and finned. Ears become navy fins as well. Green eyes. (Vaporeon colors)

Green: Hoodie turns pale yellow-green. Ears become leaf-like and turn green, along with his hair. Tail becomes a green leaf. No fur collar on hoodie. Red-brown eyes. (Leafeon colors)

Brown: Hoodie and ears become brown. Fur collar and hair becomes a cream color. Tail is all brown with a cream colored tip. Light brown eyes. (Eevee colors)

Black: Hoodie and hair are black with yellow circles on the shoulders and back of the jacket. No fur collar. Ears and tail have yellow rings on them. Red eyes. (Umbreon colors)

Purple: Hoodie is light purple in color, along with ears. Hair is dark purple, and hides a red gem on his forehead. No fur collar. Tail is thin and splits in two at the tip. Dark purple eyes. (Espeon colors)

*Other Stuff?: Even though his colors can change to match the other Eevee-lutions, he is still Jolteon and will only use his electric attacks. Of course. Also he probably would never change color for an SBG battle, these were just fun to think up.

brawl moveset

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