Sep 07, 2009 13:33
BACK FROM KUMORICON! Holy shit oh my god. It was amazing. I don't like to toot my own horn, but in this case, I am going to do so blatantly.
Starscream costume went over AMAZINGLY. There were some technical malfunctions of nthe minor variety, but other than that? FUCK YEAH! Couldn't make it ten feet without having to pose for pictures, give someone a hug, or deter someone from fucking jumping on me. Not only congoers, but just folks in portland seemed to like it. I achieved 'Mascot' status. The best part was playing with the little kids who thought I was a real robot ;AAAAA; ahdjsa. I walked in the fashion show, didn't enter the cosplay contest, but I did walk, for what it's worth. The staff gave me a fantastic entrance to boot. SJGDjsn Got stalked by a couple of fangirls. Which were pretty cool people so it was chill.
I also pretty much accosted every Euphemia and/or Suzaku cosplayer at the con.
I waddled around the artists alley and found someone who was a big Screamer fan. She promptly put on music for me, and I did the robot for what apparently was (I couldn't see very well) a large crowd, to "Sexyback". I was rewarded a cute handmade katamari charm for my efforts.
And on a roll, that day, we visited a Starcucks in costume and I jokingly put on my Starscream voice and demanded four straight shots of espresso.
The guy gave it to me. For free. And then the adorable little barista guy pranced around the counter for a picture. I then struggled to shove the straw through the mouthhole of my mask. LMAO with some assistance from Chii it worked.
It waaaas a little disorganized, but thats what you get with ten people. All things considered it went pretty well. I did like. LMAO see my ex waling down the street. I kind of wish I had been in the Starscream costume so I could have flipped him off as a character from a series he loves. Hahaha. Too bad B(
But enough badstuff. We went to the Slightly-Anime-Dating-Game. LMAO I made it up on stage in the first round and WON! XDDD It was much awesome. dhfhk And Alba got me a NEMESIS PRIME figure fffffffffffffffff @____@ OMGGGGG
There will be photos and videos to come.
I really wanna thank everyone who came and helped me with the costume or just hung out or drove or helped pay for things I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCHBNXVDjc,dvs