Oh jeez

Jun 25, 2010 02:18

Oh my god. Still in love with WFC. Just. I could listen to them banter forever. Particularly over friendly fire.

/whacks Soundwave.

Soundwave: "That was very counterproductive B("

Breakdown is kind of one of my favorite characters in this, ironically.

"We made it! We actually made it!"

"Yes, Breakdown. Your constant whining and cowering saw us through B/"

I just. ffff. The physics in it are really wonderful, too. Lots of G1 references to go around. I maintain I still by far, just. Adore this version of Jetfire. So butthurt. "ZETA PRIME WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS ;A; /flies off." His design is really great, too. ALL THE DESIGNS ARE GREAT. Anyway, enough of my gushing.

I can always tell when I'm PMSing because I get irrationally angry about minor RP qualms... I mean, obviously I don't flip out on people- but I don't like this feeling of just. Irrational rage over something so small. It really throws off my zen.

transformers, roleplay, robits, tmi, video gayems

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