(no subject)

May 07, 2007 01:57

Sometimes I analyze my thoughts. Actually, I do most of the time. But sometimes I'm more amused about it than others.

I realized tonight how many different memory devices I use to orient myself in the world in terms of the compass. It's actually a little bit embarrassing.

First, Beauty and the Beast: "Certain as the sun rises in the East"
From that, I know which Tower is West, because we'd walk past the Towers to dinner at night, looking into the sunset, which meant we were walking West.

Then the Alma Matter for IC, which I only know because Ithacappella performs it: "Towers high upon South Hill"
Which means we're on South Hill, and thus Cornell is on East Hill, and the Commons are to the North.

I'm also paying attention to what streets are called. 96B, for example, is South Aurora, but generally I say I'm going "down Aurora" and mean I'm going down topographically, lowering my altitude, and towards the Commons.

Yesterday, though, I was giving directions and said to go "up Aurora," and he clarified which direction that was, and I said North, because North is up on a map.

I'm so directionally challenged. The vast majority of the time when I'm driving somewhere that isn't Wegmans or the diner, I get myself disoriented. I always know where I am - by which I mean I've been lost in a given area before - but it's never where I expect to be.

I should get myself some maps.

It's unfortunate that I don't have an Alma Matter to refer to when I'm at home (the concept of "home" is so confusing right now...). Even if the sun rises in the East, I don't know where the sun rises in relation to my house. At the same time, I think my mom tells people we live East of Rt 250, but I don't think the sun sets in our front yard. I don't know which fast roads go East and West and which ones go North and South. I get significantly more lost in Rochester than I do in Ithaca.

Now I've confused myself. I'm going to bed now. Also, if you see me, mention something that will entice me to get to the gym, because all I've done since Friday is eat and drink and eat some more, and I need to get rid of the [mental, I hope] weight that I'm putting on.

Okay, bed. Goodnight!


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