Apr 29, 2004 22:18
1. Nickname: Choko
2. B-day: August 25th
3. Age: 15
4. Sex: Female
5. What time is it?: 3:56pm
6. Where do you live?: Spain
7. What school do you attend?: Ciudad de los poetas.You won't know it anyway,strange question.
8. Siblings and their ages?: Sister 18
11. Righty or Lefty: Righty
12. Hair color: Dark brown/black
13. Eye color: Black/dark brown
14. Height: 1.64cm
15. Do you wear contacts or glasses: None
16. Do you have any piercing?: Navel
17. Where do you want more if you do?: Tongue
18. Do you have a tattoo?: No
19. If so what and where: -cough-
20. Do you wear any rings?: Yes
21. Do you have a certain fashion you follow?: I wear what I like
23. How are you today?: Fine
24. What pants are you wearing right now?: Red and cool
25. What shirt are you wearing right now?: A black and white one
26. What underwear are you wearing right now?: Piggy pink with red lines
27. What does your hair look like at the moment?: In a ponytail,while no one can see it
28. What song are you listening to right now?: None
29. Freckles or none?: None
30. How is the weather right now?: FUCKING HOT :K:K:K
31. Last Dream you can remember?: I don't remember any
32. Who are you talking to right now?: No one
---More about YOU!---
35. What are the last four digits of your phone number?: 9359 38. Do you like the person that sent you this?: I stole this 39. How do you eat an Oreo?: I barely ever eat it,so dunno
40. What makes you happy?: Good question
42. What's the best advice ever given to you?: Being a slut is good - Theo.LMAO
45. What are your future goals?: I don't think
49. What's your favorite memory?: My childhood
50. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: Stop trying to be perfect
51. Where do you shop the most?: Everywhere
52. How many kids do you want to have?: None
53. Son's name: Jason
54. Daughter's name: Christina
55. Do you do drugs?: No
56. Do you drink?: No
58. What sport do you hate the most?: Voleyball.I FUCKING HATE IT!!!
59. What are you most scared of?: Being rejected.
60. How many TV's do you have in your house?: 1
61. Do you have your own?: No
63. Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: No
64. Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone?: Yes
65. Friend that sings the worst?: All of them
69. Is cheerleading a sport?: Yes
---YOU and LOVE---
72. Do you believe in Love?: Yes
73. Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?: Yes
75. Who is your crush?: My bf? Logic?
76. Did you send this to your crush?: No
77. Do you believe in Love at first sight?: Maybe
80. What's the first thing you notice?: Everything in general 81. Are you shy to ask someone out?: Depends
82. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?: Don't know
83. Do you find yourself attractive?: Of course :P
84. Do you find yourself ugly?: Nah
85. Do others find you attractive?: That's what they say
138. On the phone or in person?: In person
139. Paper or plastic?: Paper
140. Sausage or pepperoni?: Pepperoni
141. Summer or winter?: Winter
142. Hugs or kisses?: Kisses
143. Chocolate or white milk: Chocolate
144. Root Beer or water: Water
145. Glass half full or half empty?: Empty
148. Cats or Dogs?: Both
150. Vanilla or Chocolate?: Chocolate
151. Skiing or Boarding?: Boarding
152. Day or night? Night
153. Cake or pie?: Pie
155. Diamond or pearl?: Diamonds
156. Snset or sunrise?: Sunset,that's when everything begins
---HAVE you EVER---
178. Loved someone so much it makes you cry?: Yes
180. Drank?: Once
181. Ever gotten dumped?: No
182. Broke the law?: Maybe
185. Stole something?: No
186. Tried to kill yourself?: No
187. Made yourself throw up?: No
189. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No,that's just plain stupid
---oNe FiNal NoTe---
195. What first comes to mind?: Nothingness
196. Now what is the time?: 4:10pm
197. What song is playing now?: No music,silence