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Jan 11, 2005 18:18

Ello ello, wow, i havent had a normal update for a while lol. All the others were abot depression or what ever, now for normal one lol. Well, lets start off from the beginning, i got Dance Dance Revolution and i must say, im getting much better at it, still a long ways away from heavy lol. On Satury, i bought my very first pair of tight pants lol (no, theyre not girl pants lol) suprisingly, there comfortable, i lost alot of weight, so they fit pretty damn good lol. I bought a whole bunch of cloathes that will match them, yea, my friends at school, say im a prep or emo, so fuck them lol j/k. I can be whatever i want to be, and if they want to make fun of me for it, then i guess they arent my real friends, they can burn. Sunday, went to kyles house, had an alright time, then i went to sleep when i got back home. Woke up on monday, and didnt know waht in the hell i woke up so early for, then it dawned on me, "oh yea! i have school today!" lol. it was alright, turns out i have a racist teacher, but hes pretty cool to me, he knows im not problem student and by problem, i mean like the other people who fuck with just about everything, the annoying black girls that have an ego the size of mars, and "think" they can sing, sounds like a cat being saudomized if you ask me lol. Ate lunch, got riduculed by my "friends" who said shit about my pants. I dont care anymore, fuck them, tahts all i can say. went to algebra, and slept. woke up on tuesday (after i went home lol) and decided, perhaps i will wear shorts today, went out, and i could tell it was going to be a bad day, and of course, it was. boring as hell, not enough explosions, you know, same old, same old lol. went to orchestra, boring as hell, couldnt wake up. went to engineering graphics, and got yelled at some more. went to lunch, it was alright. went to engineering tech, WERE MAKING A UNDERWATER ROBOT!!! im one of the captains and i must say, even though i hate being in charge of a project that huge, i think im handeling it pretty good. then english, fell asleep, woke up, and then we watched "The Dead Poets Society" anyone, everyone (switch those around lol) thats an awesome movie, fuck the bad things people say about it, jsut watch it. its pretty god dang good. then i went home, where i am now. thats it, later
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