back to the internet...sort of. it's a busy holiday season for me this year. my room is a wreck and i, for once, can't find the time to clean it. i've overindulged in food so now i'm going to gain like 2046-2643891458 pounds from all these damn sweets and good food. but i had the best veg wrap ever today. yum.
katelyn's house is nice ass shit yo. psl's looking up. the concert last friday was certainly a different experience for me. never feared for my life so intensely as being lumped in the very very front two people from the rail during korn. mudvayne, honestly was 50X more intense and a hell of a lot better, but by the time korn came on i was ready to suffocate/be crushed.
i'm in there. somewhere.......
my 5 foot 0' self didn't fair well. and i usually fear clowns but......
he was an exception. made me feel warm and fuzzy inside by the end.
i'm sure there is a lot more to update on but, i'm to cold/tired to think of it. off to watch house of flying daggers now.....