Aug 25, 2011 18:04
Perhaps it's because my monthly lycanthropy episode is coming up, but...
I had this beautiful blue cloth phone cover with Kuchiki Byakuya on it... and now it's nowhere to be found. Seriously, it HAS TO be somewhere in my room, I haven't set foot outside today, but I just can't find it anyhere...
Bought it at anime con over a year ago and it was my favourite... hell, it was the only one I had. Not anymore... *sigh*
I feel so miserable right now... Y_Y
Perhaps it's a sign? First wallscrolls I drew, Suke/Gin and Schwann from ToV, fell down without obvious cause and now this...
"Stop fussing over us you fat bitch and go find a real man your own proportions..." they say?
Yeah, right... thanks...there's nothing better than a little encouragement... *gets back to playing Dragon Age*
Sorry about this selfish bitching everyone...