Jul 28, 2005 14:32
Hey everyone, how are the children? Things are going great here. I haven't really felt so alive in a long while. I am feeling things that haven't been felt by me in a very long time... thanks to a special person <3. College is coming around the corner and I'm waiting for so much. First of all, my hot-damn schedrule. Then orientation, my parking permit, my photo ID.... stuff? Not looking forward to payments... that requires money. Luckily, I applied to two other jobs. BestBuy and the CVS across the street from me, I mean, I really hate working in the restaurant business lately and I need to get a different job or else I won't get the money I need.Blahness...
Saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night, wasn't too bad at all. Haven't been home much lately either. That is sometime's a good thing. Can't stand my sister and her boyfriend here all of the fucking time. I'm just so sick of waking up and those two already there being annoying and loud. Oh well..
I'm out bitches,
PS "Dude, what the fuck is your problem?.. that's a sword!"