Jul 30, 2010 11:01
It is Sandy’s retiring party today from the directorship of the Prison Phoenix Trust and though the ‘end of an era’ is a cliché, it is one that is, I feel, appropriate.
I cannot recall exactly when Sandy joined us in what was then the Trust’s office - a narrow lean to conservatory at the back of Ann’s (the founder’s) house that could barely accommodate three - but her presence has always permeated my memories of the trust, bringing to Ann and my ‘amateur’ approach to spirituality (in the best sense of that word, as ‘lover of…an explorer), a more disciplined, crafted way, as a yoga teacher.
It was this ‘deepening’ that she carried forward, with Sr Elaine, on Ann’s death and my departure, combining a more rigorous approach to meditation, through Elaine’s status as a zen roshi (and Catholic missionary nun) and through substantially expanding the network of yoga teachers and classes in prison; and, their own capacity to run classes in prison.
And building around and with her a highly accomplished team, of common purpose and differentiated talents, and sustaining a supporter base that feels deeply connected, so that they have remained loyal for years and, now too, in these more testing financial times. Her annual fund-raising letter is always a masterpiece of clarity, engagement with its audience, and understated asking!
Of course, thinking of this retirement, naturally leads me to think of Ann. In wonder at how long it is since she died and how vibrant she remains in my memory. We knew each other for the briefest of periods - five years - many of those years shadowed by illness - and yet at such depth. She knew me as I have seldom been known and in seeing me gave life to a rather inward looking and awkward young man of a certain off putting intensity!