no...i started it yesterday and i didn't get to finish it. so i just finished it right now. i swear...that was hte first time. i was a lesbian quiz virgin...
i didn't know shane was even on the list dude. and yes i STARTED IT IN MATH then then the bell rang and we went to lunch then i couldn't get on in theo then i went to choir where we were signing year books then i went home so i never finished it. i'm not admitting to something i didn't do.
no, i know what you saw! those wern't my results. the ones with the girl from Rosian (spell?) that was the girl that i found hte quiz on. dude you don't know ok! i'm not fucking lieing so stop calling me one. that was my first quiz. i'm don'e arguing with you. i'm right.k? k. no andie isn't on....
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