Let's try this again! I attempted to post some pictures a day or so ago and failed quite miserably at it. Stupid LJ-cut wasn't working for me for some reason. But, since I don't have anything else to do at this moment in time, I'm gonna try this again. I've got some semi-decent pictures to share, now. They'd probably be better had I not been exhausted when I took them, but oh well ... Enjoy! Also, I do apologize the cut isn't working properly. I've tried a dozen times and it doesn't want to cooperate.
This is my mom's 'antique' sewing machine. It's very basic. It gave me a minor heart attack the other night when I was trying to load the bobbin. I think it tried to load it five or six times, and I was getting increasingly frustrated because it wasn't working. The last time I tried, somehow the thread got caught in the piece that holds the bobbin and ended up twisting it round. I thought I'd broken my mother's machine! Thankfully I was able to correct it and get the bobbin out, but that was my last attempt that night. Mom was able to load the bobbin again, so I've been able to continue
Here's some one of the panels, cut and pinned together. I believe this is the front-right side panel. Above it is the front-left side panel that I'd also been working on. You might be able to see that I had to do some creative pattern cutting after the fact so that the stripe patch was a bit wider.
The back-right panel. At least the part I'd sew to that point. I had to be creative when sewing it all together, as the pieces don't match up when you put the right-side to right-side. I ended up overlapping them and sewing them that way with a nifty zig-zag stich (I do have a better picture of that, too).
Here's the rest of that patch, in pieces. Isn't the butterfly fabric lovely? Sadly, that's all of it right there, so no more butterfly fabric for me. Oh, well. And see that nice bit of pink there? Sitting with the panel is the fantastically helpful
Sally dress patch placement picture I found on DeviantArt. <3 Major props to the person who did this.
Here's a better look at the stich I've been using. It's actually quite fitting the the stich is on the outside. I suppose my main concern is whether or not it will hold together. This will not end up in the washing machine, I'm pretty sure. Also - see the '4' in red? I numbered each patch color so conviences' sake. Easier to remeber what goes where, anyway, when looking at the picuture.
Here is a better shot of the front-left side panel. It was pinned when I took the picture, it's completed, now, since this was taken a couple of days ago. Isn't the blue fabric pretty? That particular fabric is actually leftover from when my mom made curtins for my brothers' room (Max took 'em down awhile ago. Now he has a table cloth pinned to the window frame instead of curtins ... I suppose it is more 'manly').
So ... exhaustion does odd things to me. At this point, I started taking some 'creative' pictures, including this one of my pinned patches and straight pin jar (which I need to find more of since I used them all).
My iPod and glasses, without these I would go a bit insane trying to sew. I'm pretty much blind without some form of corrective lenses, but I'm nearsighted, so, at least for the sewing/pinning portion, I can go without. Solution? Not-contacts!
And, finally --
(it was a gift from our neighbors. I felt compelled to share.)