Nov 25, 2009 04:59
For those of you who read My Life Is Average, skip this post. For those of you who don't, GO DO IT.
A while ago I was having a bad day. As I was walking through the halls of school a boy was going the opposite direction until he saw me and yelled,"Random Hug!" He ran up to me and hugged me and went on his way like nothing happened. I looked back to find him chasing a guy yelling,"Hey, I said random hug!" It made my day.
Today my boyfriend set up an account on a game site. He decided to be funny and set his password as "penis". The message that popped up said "Sorry, your password isn't long enough". I laughed. He didn't. MLIA.
Today, another student and I were attempting to back out of our parking spaces at the same time. Rather than wait our turns, we played rock-paper-scissors through the windows to decide who went first. I won. MLIA.
Earlier this morning, I was teaching my mom the appropriate time to say, "That's what she said". Later we were eating some really hot chilli when my brother said that it was too hot. My dad said, "You're not beneath blowing it". My mom then yells, "SHE SAID THAT!! SHE SAID THAT!" and then turns to me to tell me that she's a quick study. She had no idea why I had fallen out of my chair and was laughing so hard. MLIA
Today, my seven-year-old niece came up to me and asked, "If we have Mother Nature and Mother Earth, does that make the universe a lesbian?" I didn't know what to say. MLIA.
Today, my fifth grade students were concerned because I wasn't feeling well. I get horrible cramps every month and need to sit down for them. One of my students comes up to me with a smiles and whispers to me 'Your secret is safe with me. I know you're a werewolf, like Remus Lupin, because you get mean every month and it's the full moon tonight too.' I growled a 'thank you' to my student who proceeded to run away smiling. Oh how I love my kids.
Today, I attended a co-worker's wedding. A little boy who looked about 6 was coming down the aisle and he took two steps, stopped, and turned to the crowd (alternating between bride's side and groom's side), put his hands up like claws, and roared. Step, step, ROAR, step step, ROAR, all the way down the aisle. The crowd was near tears from laughing so hard by the time he reached the pulpit. The little boy, however, was getting more and more distressed from all the laughing and was almost crying. When asked what he was doing, he sniffed and said, "I was being the Ring Bear." MLIA
Yesterday, I had read a MLIA about someone putting gummy bears in water and having them grow. My mom told me that this didn't work, and I shouldn't waste my time. Guess who woke up to a bathtub filled with big gummy bears, complete with a sign telling her not to disturb the bears, or they will attack. She made an album on facebook as an apology for not believing me. MLIA
Today, my friend and I were swimming, when I screamed, "SHARK!" and pointed. My friend screamed and jumped out of the water. We were swimming in her pool, and live 600 miles from the ocean. MLIA
Today, I got a take home test in Trig back. There was a question that said "How high was the worker on the roof?" When I had been doing this question, I had been in an anti-math mood and had written "I don't know, what was he smoking?". I got full credit and a smiley face. MLIA
Today, I saw an interview of 2 girls that are fans of the Twilight movies. They said that they would do anything to find out if Bella picks Jacob or Edward, and that the suspense for the next movies to come out is killing them. I wonder if they know they can accomplish this and solve their problems by reading the books. MLIA.
So yeah, that was fun. MLIA is my new favorite website. :D
my life is average