Oct 23, 2008 19:58

The last few days have been exciting and productive!  :D  James and I went shopping for Halloween and looked online for apartments after we'd spent a while in the financial aid office at HGTC.  I got the form I had to fill out and so after I mail that in I should be good.  My final schedule (I've been messing with it for the past few days, but this one looks good to me) is as follows:

Monday and Wednesday:
11 AM to 12:20 PM  -- Philosophy 101
12:30 PM to 1:50 PM  -- Psychology 201
2:00 PM to 3:20 PM -- English 101

Tuesday and Thursday:
9:30 AM to 10:50 AM -- Art History 101
11:00 AM to 12:20 PM -- History 201 (some random time to some random other time in America, I think)

And I'm taking the required Intro to Computers or whatevs online, because someone told me it'd be easier that way.  I've got 18 total hours, and I'm pretty excited.

So school, check!  Halloween, mostly check!  Apartment - we went and looked at one today, the one we decided was the best.  It's $580 a month, plus $20 which covers water/sewer, monthly exterminations, and trash pickup.  We just have to get electricity and cable, if we get it.  Which I think we will for the internet?  But I'm not sure.  :D  So it's $600 a month total, and it'll be on the first floor, and the apartments are cute and I like it... and there's a gym type room, and a pool and a playground, and there's a laundry room OR we could have our own washer/dryer.  It's pretty nice.  And we're going to save up and try to move in around the end of November.

Also, today, I took a bunch of old CDs and stuff to the pawn shop and got $40 for it, which is good because I still have 2 traffic tickets to pay on the 18th.  So weeee, monies!  :D

I'm working all weekend, which is also weee monies! but boo no sleep! as well.  I will be tired, but it will be okay.  I applied at a whole bunch of places yesterday, so if I get hired somewhere for seasonal, I might have to work all day a few days a week.  I should get used to it.  Hopefully.  :D


Ummm... so yeah!  Life is goin', and it's mostly pretty good.  As long as my car doesn't explode, and as long as I get some financial aid, and as long as I don't get laid off after Christmas.... life will be all right.  I am happy.  :D

life, best coolest job ever in the world, apartment?!, erinlove, college/job/money, jameslove, class schedule, holidays

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