Graduation, party, and Harry Potter.

May 31, 2008 20:58

Dude, guys, I really want to go to Terminus 2008, and especially the Wrock concert (30 bands!!!) in August... but it's in Chicago.  And Sherri definitely won't go, and I don't want to go alone, but I don't think Karen would be interested in spending like, $200 to go see a bunch of bands she doesn't even like that much... and James probably won't have the money.  >_>  Lamesauce.

BUT.  I am GOING to the Draco and the Malfoys/The Whomping Willows/Remus and the Lupins/The Butterbeer Experience concert in NC on July 6.  IT'S GONNA ROCK SO HARD THERE WILL BE A W.  WROCK.


Bridget graduated today, and we played with Grandma and Granny and Jason and Rachel and Kelly and Kevin and Alex and Sarah and Emily and Kenyahna, and food and games and it was actually pretty fun.  I got some presents, which was cool.  I'm excited for my birthday.  My party is going to be next Saturday, the 7th, and I am inviting:

Irish (can't come)
Matt (can't come)

and then my parents and Sherri's mom, apparently.  O_o  It's at Kelsey's house, which is weird because I don't know if a) I should invite her, b) if she would even come, or c) if it would be awkward.  Well.  C is a definite, but I don't think she wants to be my friend anymore, so whatevs.  O_o

I need to burn CDs now.

heatherlove, kelsey, party, laura, bridgetlove, karen/irishlove, friends, sherrilove, aeronlove, music, sisters, wizardrock, kellylove, concert, mattlove, birthday, family, graduation, jameslove, gatherings

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