May 07, 2008 02:27
All right guys, it's that time again. I've changed all my icons out and most of them are David Cook. I know. But he's so pretty! And I KNOW I said that about Zefron, and I KNOW I said that about Bret, and yes, I will probably move on in a month or two unless he actually wins Idol ::crosses fingers::, but...... he's so pretty!
Also I am reviving the Bjork icon. XD Weeee!
Idol tonight was pretty ridiculous. Jason.... why? I CRIED YOU GUYS. I CRIED OVER AMERICAN IDOL AND IT WASN'T EVEN AN ELIMINATION. I miss Danny. -_- But yeah, the Davids were both phenomenal and Syesha was... well, she wasn't terrible, but I didn't love it. HAHAH I SOUND LIKE RANDY. Check it out, dawg, baby, yo, check it out. You were just so, it was, I love you and you're so beautiful and you just... you do what you do, and you're who you are, and it's real and you're just... I love you. WHO AM I NOW?!?!? Jason, I thought your tenth performance was just... it was so... and I just... I need more vodka.
Ahem. Anyway. I should stop making up new tags.
Just... basically just wanted to update you guys on my icons... ::looks around:: WOW I AM PATHETIC
This is my favorite icon. <3
i am actually insane,
bret mckenzie,
i am ridiculous,
american idol,
david cook,
zac efron,
what is my life,
teh intranetz