Ramblyrant time weee!

Jan 29, 2008 12:48

This post is for me to ramble and rant, first about nonsense, second about my mother.  So feel free to skip this post, guys.

First of all, let's get the happy things out of the way.  Ramble time, about stuff no one cares about!!  Like my ever-growing obsession with Juno.  Specifically Michael Cera, who made an appearance in my dreams last night.  O_o  Weird.  Also another one of those no-one-understands-just-how-much-Harry-Potter-means-to-me things.  ^^;

So yeah, Juno.  What a freaking amazing movie, yes?  YES.  I'd really love to see it again soon, but it depends on Sherri and Karen and their schedules and if anyone wants to pay for me.  -_-  Grr.  But that's another paragraph!  Michael Cera is ridiculously cute.  You guys know how I love funny looking guys, and they don't come much funnier looking.  ^_^  He's also deliciously awkward!  Which I love!

I'm becoming more and more obsessed with Across the Universe as well... even though it's been a while.  But what an awesome movie.  <333  And it comes out on DVD soon and hopefully someone I know will get it and I can watch it and fall back in loooove.  ^_^  Especially Max.  Awww Max.  <3  That movie made me really really happy.

You know, I like it when I find people who like the same stuff I do, but when EVERYONE I KNOW likes something as much as I do, it's kind of annoyingish.  I know these are two really ridiculously awesome movies, but it kind of irks me that they're as popular as they are - it just seems like they're the kind of movies that should be underappreciated and loved fiercely by a small percentage of people.  Or something.  I dunno, I just like being the only person who likes something that awesome.  XD  I have no idea what my point is.

Which clearly brings me to Harry Potter.  Guys.  I know, I KNOW you're tired of hearing this... but I LOVE HARRY POTTER.  I DO.  And no one but Sherri (Erin?  Maybe?) understands just HOW MUCH this series means to me.  I can't even begin to explain it.  But I feel the need to point it out every so often just in case SOMEONE forgets, SOMEHOW.  ^^;  Sorry.  I just... I love it so much.  I love Harry and Ron and James and Lupin and Fred and George and Tonks and Lily and Hermione and EVERYONE like they're real people.  And they're just as important to me as my real life friends.  And we've had some awesome times.  And some really sucky times, but we don't think about that.  ^^;  It's just so sad, and so unbelievably joyous at the same time.

Okay.  I'm sorry.  I'll quit talking about random nonsense now.

That was fun.  ^^;  If anyone actually read it, yay you!  ::claps::  <3

Now a for real rantish type thing that is for real about my real life.  Really.

So we all know how much my life sucks vis-a-vis the whole no-job-no-money-crappy-car-living-at-home-not-going-to-school-worthlessness thing, right.  Basically the only good things in my life are James <3, weekly bowling, monthly book club, and my TV shows (stupid strike).  My mom, however, apparently thinks that somehow all of this has escaped my attention, like I don't already constantly think about all of these things.  She feels the need to point them out to me, usually in a way that makes me mad.  Such as, "You need to DO SOMETHING with your life!"  and  "What happened to make you give up on everything?  What made you this way?"  Nice sentiments like that.

First of all, it is not really my fault I don't have a job.  I've got a criminal record (okay, mostly my fault) which kind of limits me, and there's a year long gap between my last job and now (but that's because this stupid town has a 6 month off season), which is kind of lame... but other than that, I should be fine.  I've got normal looking hair now and no piercings, and I'm dressing pretty normal too.  And it's really all I can do to apply and wait, then ask if they've looked over my application etc.  I'm not really in control here.  The managers are.  And apparently I am unhireable.  SO IT'S NOT REALLY MY FAULT STFU STOP YELLING AT ME.

And I'm sorry if your car is broken and we have to share now, but if I need to go somewhere, or WANT to go somewhere, I should be able to.  I've stopped asking you for gas money because you always yell at me and make me feel guilty, but if you put gas in the car, why can't I use it?  Why do you have to be such a bitch about it?  I should be allowed to drive, and I really don't go that many places.  I go to James's, which is ten minutes away.  It's not that fucking far.  CHILL, okay?  Maybe I want to spend all my time with him - you know why?  HE DOESN'T MAKE ME FEEL LIKE CRAP.  HE MAKES ME FEEL HAPPY AND LOVED, and I can FORGET about how CRAPPY my life is.  So leave me alone and let me go play with my boyfriend.

I hate being poor.  I hate that I am poor and my family is poor, and I hate that I can't get a job, and that I need to pay people back, and I owe like $3,000 dollars total and I'm not going to be able to pay people back and move out at the same time and that means I'll be stuck HERE and all of my fucking money will go to gas and my family members (and friends) because the last two years have been really freaking bad.  And I need a new car and that's not cheap... but unfortunately it's sort of necessary.  Even if this one doesn't explode, my sister is going to start driving soon and I guess it's supposed to be hers (sorry Bridget).  So yeah, I need a new car - then maybe since I won't be moving out EVER, Bridget and I can share it?  Who knows.  Not like it's ever gonna happen.

Basically my life sucks and I'm tired of it and I kind of want to die.  If it wasn't for James.... -_-

Sigh.  That's all.  Sorry.

juno, across the universe, random, sherrilove, harry potter, everything sucks, lameness, emo, rant, movies, erinlove, college/job/money, love/ridiculous obsession, family, jameslove, michael cera

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