The best thing about New York City is you and me.

Nov 27, 2007 18:07

Yeah, so it's been like three weeks since I updated.  -_-  This sucks so hardcore.

Reefer Madness was really flippin' cool, but I didn't get a tattoo.  Big surprise.  'Tev.  Anywho, yeah, it was awesome and adorable and amazing and other A adjectives.  And there was a cute guy!!  He was sooooo cuuuute with his sweater vest and his dancin' and he was adorable.  <3  ^_^  Good times.  Plus it was his birthday!

Thanksgiving was all right - we went to my grandma's house and all my cousins and aunts and uncles were there.  It was actually really nice.  No one fought!  Yay!  ^^;

And I got to see Aeron this past week and we Denny's'd, and Karen and James and I went bowling... ummm... oh!  We had a giant party for Karen, Aeron, and Sherri for their birthdays.  Matt came!  ^_^  Yayyy.  We played Charades.  And Karen, Irish, James and I played a few days ago.  I dunno, this week was awesome.

I am at James's, where I have been since like, two o'clock yesterday.  ^^;  I spent the night.  It was happy.  He's basically amazing and adorable and I love him.  Dating your best friend is freakin' awesome.  All of my adjectives start with A.  ^^;

Uuummm.  Ooh!  I talked to Erin finally!  Like for real, on the phone!  It was awesome.  <3  She's so cool, and just like me!  ^_^  Unfortunately, I don't think James and I are going to make it to Nebraska, so I probably won't get to meet her. -_-  Unless she could meet us somewhere nearly halfway or something.  =(  Very sad.  But we're poor.

About this trip, since I'm on the subject (like any of you care ^_^), I think it's been shortened to just basically New York, since that was kind of the whole point... but we're poor, like I said, and also James doesn't want to spend ALL of his money.  So perhaps this summer or something, we can take the whole country trip.  ^^;  But as of right now, I think we're just going to NY, and some places along the way.  Just so you guys know.  So that means we WILL be here for most of December.  Perhaps all of it.  It's really up to James.

Anyway.  Yes.  So, that I guess is most of the highlights of my life this past two weeks.  Heroes and House and stuff, and Kid's Night, and I am ridiculously happy with James.  <3  ^_^

That is all.

new york, karen/irishlove, quest, musicals, friends, sherrilove, aeronlove, holidays, adventure, heroes, denny's/wahoo, house, plays, mattlove, erinlove, family, jameslove, gatherings

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