Last night is the night I will remember you by...

Oct 27, 2007 08:14

Go to your info page and find the seventh name listed on your friends list. Go to their info page. Find the seventh name on their friends list. Repeat until you are seven LJs from your own. (If you come across someone who doesn't have seven friends or the seventh friend is a journal you have already visited on this trip, randomly pick another name and continue). Now, use the info page and recent entries of that 7th LJ to answer the following questions.

1) What is the title of this journal (NOT the user name)?
I do get the joke about the toaster oven.

2) How many communities does this person belong to?
138  O_o

3) List any interests you share in common with this user.
Harry Potter and linguistics.  O_o funny, I thought there'd be more.

4) List any friends you have in common with this user.
a_little_wisp, almost_echo, falling_wind, bubblesanangel, ihatealexangell, ireworks, irishprime, kooljobs, lafille_danse, punknametaken, the_terr_bear  -- there would be more, but I took a whole bunch of people off my flist recently.

5) Where does this user live?
Clemson atm

6) What is the seventh sentence in this user's most recent journal entry?
'kay.  (it's the second of only two sentences....)

7) What is the first sentence in this user's seventh most recent journal entry?
i think i'm losing any sort of motivation to do anything anymore.  i just...don't care.
So I am up at 8.  I've been up since 5ish, actually, after sleeping for 12 hours.  And I am still tired.  WTF BODY.  I'M GETTING SICK OF THIS.  -_-

James came over yesterday and we watched The Producers.  He luuuurved it.  ^_^  Actually, he just "enjoyed" it, but I think he just doesn't want to admit that he luuuurved a musical.  Boys.

I read the 8th Georgia book and the 4th Uglies/Pretties/Specials/Extras book yesterday.  I enjoyed them both, although Extras was a little annoying at times.  But what can you do, right?

NaNoWriMo is about to start and I have no idea what I want to write about.  I've done absolutely no planning.  But I am very excited, since I didn't finish last year.  I hope I will win this time.

I also hope I will get a job soon.  I'd loooove to work in BAM! so maybe when Kelsey and Sherri and Karen and James and I are all at the mall today,  I will go and ask them.  The only fly in the ointment is I don't know if Jessica still frequents it... but I guess if she does and I work there, she'll have to stop going.  So haha.  And thrice ha.

Since apparently I write fanfic now, maybe I will write some FOTCfic and put it in my writing journal (which I haven't updated in a gazillion years.... O_O), since conchords_slash disappoints me so often.  THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE.  On a side note, I am COMPLETELY IN LOVE with ediblestars because she writes the most amazing FOTCfic ever.  <3  She makes me smile.  ^_^

Also I am in love with hyperactivegirl and we're going to be married.


jessica, icons, writing, karen/irishlove, musicals, teh intranetz, sherrilove, fanfic/ships, maggielove, kelseylove, survey/meme, movies, erinlove, nanowrimo, college/job/money, fotc, jameslove

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