Tell me that you love me more.

Sep 16, 2007 00:22

That commercial is so catchy.  O_o

You guys, I just spent nearly ALL DAY watching America's Next Top Model.  I AM SO GAY.  SRSLY.  I am for real a gay man trapped in a woman's body.  -_-  AND I TOTALLY WANTED JAEL TO WIN.  SHE WAS THE COOLEST.  Aeron, I thought of you allll day.

James and I did go see Balls of Fury, though, which was pretty good.  It was funny, and the story was.... interesting.  XD  I liked it.  And I like James.  ^_^

Apparently Weezer is going to have a new album next year.  That's pretty awesome.  I hope it's good and not crap.

Yesterday Sherri and Karen and James and I went to the mall for a few hours... fun, as usual.  We saw Heather, who APPARENTLY is dating Irish's cousin?  O_O  Who APPARENTLY is related to Timothy O'Neill, as in the chiropractor, also as in the teacher on Daria.  WHO KNEW.  Smalllll world.

I suppose that is all for now.  Unless I discover some breaking news about Zac, Harry, or music in the next half hour.

harry potter, heatherlove, lameness, zac efron, movies, karen/irishlove, jameslove, friends, sherrilove, music, gatherings, aeronlove

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