Feb 06, 2009 16:47
"The American people voted for change in November." he says while getting miffed about the Stimulus Bill that is not passing. SEEEEEE NOW....You may have voted for Change. BUT- was change to have a President who actually listens to the American People? Or was it really just some guy who is going to fart rainbows and fix everything? The thing is..and I tried to explain this to people. The President really has no control. As you can see by this stimulus bill. Senators are voted for by the people of their communities. They are closer to the people of those communities. And may be listening more to the people of those communities. So if the Senate is saying NO NO NO - would that not mean the people are saying NO NO NO? Understand this. An argument on who's fault it is of this being stuck on the floor is ASININE because Democrats are also saying NO NO NO. What I guess I am rambling in to this very fine circle of grammar hell is this: Wouldn't listening to the Senators be like listening to the People?
I have very strong opinions on what should not be on that bill. Actually I have not seen a single thing that creates a job.
I however can not lie that a 4500 tax credit to buy a newer car and up to 15K back for buying a house is not singing to me. Because it is. I do understand the logistics of buying a car right now stimulates the economy. Or that buying a house helps the housing market. Stimulating the economy. That is why I can not argue over those things.
What I will debate and argue is this:
How many people really need and I mean NEED digital converter boxes. We live in a world where people will take free stuff just because it is FREE. Not because they need it. I thought there would be some kind of "if you qualify for a coupon" not an "everybody who wants a freebie gets a freebie coupon." PERSONALLY. I lived without tv through most of the 90's. The television I had before the tv I inherited from my Dad last in OZ was a black and white tv/radio combo. I hardly used it. I am still waiting for someone to explain to me why the government should spend millions of billions of dollars to make sure people can watch tv. Because I just do not get it.
Money for the National Endowments of the Arts. I like Art. I really do. Hell, you could say I am an artist of sorts. I do make jewelry. I also write. Yes, I know my grammar sucks because I run out of grammar by the time I get to the free flowing forum. So yeah-I write. In the pasts I have won awards for singing,drama,dance,and painting. So I LOVE ART. Now here is the but. The NEA does not do anything to create jobs. It does very little in the way of education. What it specializes in and this is important..is GRANTS for new and up and coming "artist". I put artist in quotes back there for a reason. Some people see Maplethourpe as hight Art. I do not. Maplethourpe had a grant through the NEA which is what created that contoversy. If you have no idea who the hell I am talking about-go google it-you might not want to do it at work-and I may have spelled his name wrong-but go-------I will wait-----------
Are you back with us? How was that for your eyes? Who knew a buttplug could be so ARTISTIC. Forget Maplethourpe. I once dated someone who applied for the NEA grant. He was a bad "artist" who smoked a ton of pot. Tax dollars should not pay for some guy/gal to inflate their ego saying they are "artists." REAL ARTIST work hard, think outside of the box,and no that they may never make a single solitary dime off their art. Real artist do not care. The art is more for them-then for you. Real artist will do whatever it takes to buy paint,wire, computer software to do what they LOVE to do. Not a handout. NOW if you disagree with me. Which is fine. My last point- NEA only became federally funded in 1965. It still functions almost completely off PRIVATE FUNDING. It's the PRIVATE funding that stops the art from spreading to education like it should and then I would not be screaming in to the wind over here.
Things that do not make sense to me why they are all in ONE bill.
Fixing Bridges and Roads + Amtrak.
I have to admit and ALOT of conservatives hate it. I WANT MONEY FOR AMTRAK. NO REALLY. We need a rail in Georgia that goes to Savannah from Atlanta. Athens to Atlanta. Ect.. But why not spend money on the rail and make roads and bridges the last priority. You have proper Transit you don't need the roads.
Ok that is all I have till my next cup of coffee.
Later I might write about my morning ephiphanies. Hell I will do it now.
1950's Housewife. House Wife or Indentured Servant?
Is it networking or Neptism?
I used to make little magazines for my barbie dolls. Now you know. See there was TMI we are not in FB and it's not 25 of them.