
May 10, 2008 14:39

My air con has been leaking like a menstruating, grumpy, woman. I woke up with a huge puddle of water under my feet. Sigh. I hope the air con servicemen come soon.

It's an old boring Saturday afternoon. I have nothing better to do and I have completely exhausted the list of "must-read" blogs. And very obviously, my planned trip to Punggol Jetty has failed (again). It's almost 3pm and I'm still in my PJs, stuck at home. And for being bored, here are the visuals I promised. For those who have seen it just pretend those photos are fresh ok? I am currently too poor to process anymore rolls. What la, it's the end of the week.

Good old Papillio. After I mentioned about it being the best pair of slippers I've worn, it gave me abrasions yesterday.

This was the second try. The sun was beautiful! I had to take this twice because while I was shooting, a lady walked past and I knew her shadow was captured in the photograph.

Before you think I'm doing another conceptual set, no you're wrong! Haha! This was just a random shot. I've completely exhausted myself of ideas for good compositions so thus, this.

The pseudo light leak.

Great things to do when it's at night, lots of beautiful lights, BUT NO TRIPOD.

Yet again.

Instead of complaining about the weather, I took my camera out and decided to shoot some nice shadows. I pictured this to be much better. I feel that the red metal frame had gone a tad too far into the photo. Maybe less of it would have been better. IDK.

Is it me, or does it look like the area around the flowers have been radial-blurred?

Gonna try this camera, someday.

I should have known when I heard the beeping sound coming from the camera when boyfriend was trying to focus. Silly forgot to wear his specs, thus the out of focus. But still, the picture turned out pretty nice, no?

I have damned mixed feelings about this photo. The alignment's off, the shutter was too slow, but the shadows look vivid and strong. IDK

Oh and this. Boyfriend and I bought some jelly beans while we were at Raffles City. We chose some of those gummy like candy. It has little balls of coating over it. I swear the coating tastes like... powder. No, not sugar-powder kind of powder. Like baby powder kind of taste. Not that I have tasted baby powder before, but at least it smells like.

Here's it. It.was.damed.gross.

Lastly, Jelly Belly FTW.

Comments and Critiques are welcomed!
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