Don't know about EVE since I've never been there, but I'm quite familiar with the whole "Breaking News: You were shredded to pieces seven minutes ago ! And couldn't do anything about it but watch the stupid slide show !!!" ;3
Ow, Jack and 2nd VA storyline :P. Arty is pretty, as all of us cats. Yeah, we rule!
As for the EVA, there are only two or three places like that. Main trade hubs. Worse of all of them - Jita solar system, deep in Caldary space (Forge region). It's where a massive amount to players went to trade. Best place to sell, best place to buy. Priceless place to inter corporate quarrel, through it's high security system with tough police force.
And it's all just near newbie space, where all new players doing their first missions :P. Thousands of ships, entering lag, and newbie frigates, owww... thats as close to a bad fur day to some of us as it could be :P.
...с geekаньем и улюлюканьемdreamwood86March 13 2008, 16:56:08 UTC
Thanks for a little insider ! In my "Tales of Pirates" days the similar situation would arise on the market square where about a hundred players staged their silly trading carts. Charging inside the city limits was like diving into a swimming pool filled with honey.
The closest thing to EVE I've played would probably be "Freelancer" - a game of a thousand squandered possibilities and buried ideas. Single player though it was, there were massive areas to trade, explore and make fireworks out of pirate headhunters and civilian freighters, with all the star systems and bases named conveniently after locations in the UK, USA, Germany and Japan. Oh, the exquisite imagination !... ;3
А лисы - ты у них сам спроси. Впрочем, я удивлён самим вопросом, при том, что ты комметируешь пост, написанный на английском, в журнале, который ведётся на английском.
Comments 7
Trixi's the last one on my memory to delve into this soil:
Don't know about EVE since I've never been there, but I'm quite familiar with the whole "Breaking News: You were shredded to pieces seven minutes ago ! And couldn't do anything about it but watch the stupid slide show !!!" ;3
As for the EVA, there are only two or three places like that. Main trade hubs. Worse of all of them - Jita solar system, deep in Caldary space (Forge region). It's where a massive amount to players went to trade. Best place to sell, best place to buy. Priceless place to inter corporate quarrel, through it's high security system with tough police force.
And it's all just near newbie space, where all new players doing their first missions :P. Thousands of ships, entering lag, and newbie frigates, owww... thats as close to a bad fur day to some of us as it could be :P.
The closest thing to EVE I've played would probably be "Freelancer" - a game of a thousand squandered possibilities and buried ideas. Single player though it was, there were massive areas to trade, explore and make fireworks out of pirate headhunters and civilian freighters, with all the star systems and bases named conveniently after locations in the UK, USA, Germany and Japan. Oh, the exquisite imagination !... ;3
Видимо в этом посте упоминались 3 вещи:
1. лаги
2. EVE
3. что-то плохое..
Видимо это была жалоба на лаги в EVE, так? =0_0=
Кстати, почему Snaury пишет по англицки в ЖЖ? Он что, не русский чтоли? =0_0=
А лисы - ты у них сам спроси. Впрочем, я удивлён самим вопросом, при том, что ты комметируешь пост, написанный на английском, в журнале, который ведётся на английском.
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