May 16, 2004 03:54
Sometimes, I can take things too far and drag a problem on.. it's not meant, but it can certainly happen. I think everyone I know has done it at some point though, so I'm not ashamed of it. I myself have talked through the same problem every day for about a week straight with friends.. and never tired of it, just kept talking. They were draging it, but I didn't care, I was helping and that was good enough for me.
It's simply amazing how one simple greeting can make someones day, just one or two happy and pleasent hello's, can make someone feel so wanted and cared for. These are the things that are keeping me from leaving my friends, I thank all of them for it. *hugs* Thank you.
In other news, I'm going to be walking to work for the next few days, as it's too dangerous to be riding the motorbike when so distracted by my thought.. plus it really needs a service, new tires... in fact what it needs is a new bike. Not going to happen for a long time me'thinks.