May 02, 2005 06:13
It's 6:13 in the fucking morning. I haven't slept yet and probably won't until oh Tuesday night? I'm royally screwed... well maybe I'll sleep tonight as in later after my 7:30 botany final. Right now I'm exhausted and on my third bottle of mellow yellow. If I keep working though I should be good for my history final, then if I study hard for the few hours I have between history and botany I should be good to go... it's just needing sleep so freaking badly right now. After botany I can sleep tonight then get up early tomorrow morning and study for french then pack after that ... I have so much to do. Someone save me from this hell of my own making. I'm going to die here. Although I had a nice conversation with Josh earlier. It was fun. Ok, back to work so I can do well.